Archive for July, 2016

Optimize Your Health with the Ketogenic Diet. Mastery Newsletter July 29, 2016

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

Special Report on the benefits of a Low-Carb, High Fat Diet.



The Keto Diet helps with Weight loss, Blood pressure, Cholesterol.


Other benefits: More energy, Mental clarity, Better sleep.




Some claim it is the best cancer prevention.


Others have reversed their Multiple Sclerosis symptoms.


Still others say it has reversed aging symptoms.




How it works:

Really Low carbs, medium protein and LOTS of fat! (The good kind)




Enjoy the read,




“…currently the only way…to effectively treat the symptoms of aging…if not reverse them…”


Keto Clarity. Your Definitive Guide to the Benefits of a Low-Carb, High Fat Diet.

Special Report on the book


“Few things are as well established in nutrition science as the immense health benefits of low-carb and ketogenic diets.” Kris Gunnars (article below)


Definition of Ketosis tells us this: “Ketones are substances that are made when the body breaks down fat for energy. Normally, your body gets the energy it needs from carbohydrate in your diet. But stored fat is broken down and ketones are made if your diet does not contain enough carbohydrate to supply the body with sugar (glucose) for energy or if your body can’t use blood sugar (glucose) properly.”



Keto Diet Works for Epilepsy


In a separate post, Web MD says the diet works for epilepsy in children: “…the ketogenic diet is real and legitimate. (my bolding) It works very well in many people. The catch is that it’s extremely demanding and difficult to follow.”



Benefits of burning fat for fuel


Well, one benefit is we are burning fat! For many, this is enough. Diets for weight control are a multi billion-dollar industry. Could a low-carb, high fat diet be the answer?



10 Proven Health Benefits of Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets


Excerpts from an article by Kris Gunnars, BSc. See the full article here:


“1. Low-Carb Diets Kill Your Appetite (in a Good Way)


  1. Low-Carb Diets Lead to More Weight Loss


  1. A Greater Proportion of The Fat Lost Comes From The Abdominal Cavity


  1. Triglycerides Tend to go Way Down


  1. Increased Levels of HDL (the “good”) Cholesterol


  1. Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels, With a Major Improvement in Type 2 Diabetes


  1. Blood Pressure Tends to go Down


  1. Low-Carb Diets Are The Most Effective Treatment Known Against Metabolic Syndrome


  1. Low-Carb Diets Improve The Pattern of LDL Cholesterol


  1. Low-Carb Diets Are Therapeutic For Several Brain Disorders


It is often claimed that glucose is necessary for the brain… and it’s true.


Some part of the brain can only burn glucose. That’s why the liver produces glucose out of protein if we don’t eat any carbs. (my bolding)


But a large part of the brain can also burn ketones, which are formed during starvation or when carbohydrate intake is very low.


This is the mechanism behind the ketogenic diet, which has been used for decades to treat epilepsy in children who don’t respond to drug treatment.


In many cases, this diet can cure children of epilepsy. In one study, over half of children on a ketogenic diet had a greater than 50% reduction in seizures. 16% of the children became seizure free.


Very low-carb/ketogenic diets are now being studied for other brain disorders as well, including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease


Take Home Message


Few things are as well established in nutrition science as the immense health benefits of low-carb and ketogenic diets.”




More benefits:


Effortless appetite control


Endless energy


Mental clarity


Increased sex drive


Restful, sounder sleep


Feelings of happiness


Improved immune system


Improved memory


Decreased anxiety



Documented Proof. Documentary from Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)


The entire village of Alert Bay at the north end of Vancouver Island, Canada agreed to go back to their traditional native diet for one year. As it happened, that diet is high fat and low in carbs.


Not only did the participants lose weight, they had overall better health. Some lost their diabetes symptoms.


Here is the full documentary:


“The ketogenic diet was likely the diet of hunter-gatherers for most of our existence on Earth, except possibly in tropical areas where fruit was available much of the year. In has been known since the early 1900s that nutritional ketosis occurred in many of the Inuit people living in the Arctic, in whom chronic disease was a rarity. Therefore, it is safe to presume that ketones have been part of a healthy human metabolism for millennia.”                                                                                                      -Dr. Keith Runyan



How to do it:


Limit carbs to 20 grams or less. Each of us is individual. Testing is essential.


Keep protein intake down to 1 gram per 1 kilogram of body weight.


Increase fat consumption (the good kind, of course) to 50-80%!



Devil’s in the details:


Start at 20 grams of carbs per day and adjust from there


Test your triglyceride levels. The optimal goal is below 70. Doctors think 135 is within normal levels…just so you know.


“When carb cravings hit, your body is really screaming for fat.”


If your glucometer shows you are not in ketosis yet, decrease carbs more and/or decrease protein intake.



“Fat is the key to being full and satisfied…Fat is your friend.”


Note that the ketogenic diet may not be appropriate for type 1 diabetics.


We don’t have to count calories. (Tim Ferris blew apart the theory of “calories in/calories out” in his book The Four Hour Body.) The keto diet regulates appetite.



Testing is Critical


“When someone tells me that they have tried the ketogenic diet and ‘it didn’t work,’ they usually haven’t attempted to measure their ketones and aren’t really in ketosis. It’s important to follow this diet for at least four to six weeks to evaluate it fairly.”                                                                                          –Dr. Dominic D’Agostino



Diet, not Medications


“Medications can ‘manage’ chronic illnesses like diabetes and obesity, but they cannot prevent or reverse them. But following a ketogenic diet is a potent way to prevent or reverse these common chronic diseases. As a clinician, I like having safe approaches that work with my patients. If you start by focusing on your diet, then the rest will be merely window dressing.”  -Dr. Bill Wilson



Manage Stress and Get Your Sleep


“Chronic lack of sleep, leading to circadian rhythm imbalances and/or chronic levels of significant stress, can drive up cortisol levels in a way that can make getting into a state of ketosis essentially impossible.”  -Nora Getgaudas



Old Habits Die Hard


“I think the obvious temptations that are around us are the biggest problem with maintaining adequate ketosis. One slip with too much carbohydrate will interfere with ketosis, and it can take several days to get back into it. Old habits die hard.”

-Dr. Mary Newport



Best Cancer Prevention?


“A ketogenic approach is the single most effective dietary treatment for any and all cancers and other immune related illnesses. By robbing cancer of its needed fuel source (sugar) and relying on ketones and relying on ketones and free fatty acids instead (which cancer cannot make use of), you can create an internal and epigenetic environment conducive to keeping cancers under control or even preventive them from being able to get a foothold in the first place.”                           -Nora Getgaudas



Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Reversed


Dr, Terry Wahls reversed her advanced MS by going into a mild state of nutritional ketosis, allowing her body and brain to function well on fat and ketones.


“In ketosis, I have more mental clarity and energy throughout the day.” –Dr Terry Wahls



Slow the Aging Process

“I believe that what we are really doing with the ketogenic diet is slowing the rate of aging and, especially, increasing the rate of repair. Therefore all the symptoms of aging, which we are calling the disease of aging, can be very effectively treated if not totally reversed by this diet, and I believe it is currently the only way to do so.” (Bolding mine)

–Dr. Ron Rosedale



Ketosis and Ketoacidosis are Two Different Things.


Careful if you plan to ask your doctor about the ketogenic diet: Your doctor may think that ketosis is the same as ketoacidosis. Not so:


“Ketoacidosis cannot possibly happen in anyone who still makes even a little bit of insulin. And, even if you are Type 1 diabetic who makes no insulin, ketoacidosis does not happen eating a low-carb diet–only a high-carb diet.” — Jimmy Moore



Sugar and Processed Foods are the Culprits


“People are now living longer but are sicker, destined to experience decades of poor health before they finally kick the bucket. And it’s all because they have lost their connection to ketone bodies. Virtually every chronic disease that physicians deal with every day is caused by eating a diet high in simple sugars and processed food.” –Dr. Bill Wilson


The Ball is Now in Your Court


You mission, should you decide to accept, is to get on the path to optimal health.



Last Word


“Nutritional ketosis may not be required for general health, but it may very well be a conduit for optimal health.”  – Dr. Bill Lagakos





Website of Jimmy Moore, author of Keto Clarity:



To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila

Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher,

Wim Hof Iceman Practitioner, and

Author of The Zen of Joy and 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health


P.S. Note on “Anti-Aging”


“I believe that what we are really doing with the ketogenic diet is slowing the rate of aging and, especially, increasing the rate of repair. Therefore all the symptoms of aging, which we call the diseases of aging, can be very effectively treated if not totally reversed by this diet, and I believe it is currently the only way to do so.” –Dr. Ron Rosedale





“Sitting is the New Smoking.” Special Report:

Yours with a no-cost Subscription to Mastery Newsletter




108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health, includes How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy (No-cost)


To Your Joy, Energy and Health,




Matti Anttila, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, author of: The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.


How Joyous are You? Free Zen of Joy Questionnaire.

Click here:









“To Get the Most Out of Life:


Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.”


– Matti Anttila




© Copyright 2016 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


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Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.

The One-Handed Concert Pianist, Nicholas McCarthy. Mastery Newsletter July 22, 2016

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

A most wondrous and true tale of overcoming, grit, stubbornness and triumph. Brought to us by Tim Ferris (author of THE FOUR HOUR WORK WEEK and THE FOUR HOUR BODY).



“Nicholas McCarthy (@NMcCarthyPiano) was born in 1989 without his right hand and only started to play the piano at the age of 14.


He was told he would never succeed as a concert pianist.


Fortunately, the doubters were wrong. His graduation from the prestigious Royal College of Music in London in 2012 appeared in press around the world, as he became the only one-handed pianist to graduate from the Royal College of Music in its 130-year history.


Nicholas has now performed extensively throughout the world, including the U.K., U.S., South Africa, South Korea, Japan, Malta, and Kazakhstan. He has also played alongside Coldplay and given a rendition of the Paralympic Anthem in front of an audience of 86,000 people and half a billion worldwide viewers.


His first album, entitled Solo (Warner Music) features 17 stunning pieces of left-hand repertoire spanning three centuries and has been released around the world to great acclaim.


If you only have 5 minutes, I recommend Nicholas’s thoughts on playing the long game vs. instant fame.”






“Sitting is the New Smoking.” Special Report:

Yours with a no-cost Subscription to Mastery Newsletter




108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health, includes How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy (No-cost)


Love, Laughter and Smiles




Matti Anttila, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. Zen of Joy Consultant and Author of: The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.


How Joyous are You? Free Zen of Joy Questionnaire.

Click here:










“When we open to our potential, the world changes…dramatically and for the better.”





© Copyright 2016 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


Privacy statement: I take your privacy seriously and do not distribute your information to anyone.


Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.

Facing Fear Using Breathing Techniques. Mastery Newsletter July 15, 2016

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

Natalia Avseenko coon discovering her true connection to self through the breath.


When she realized her body’s limitations and diving restrictions were actually a mirror of her fears, she set out on a bold and terrifying mission to dive into the arctic sea where beluga whales had a beautiful message for her.




“Sitting is the New Smoking.” Special Report:

Yours with a no-cost Subscription to Mastery Newsletter




108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health, includes How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy (No-cost)


Love, Laughter and Smiles




Matti Anttila, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. Zen of Joy Consultant and Author of: The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.


How Joyous are You? Free Zen of Joy Questionnaire.

Click here:










“When we open to our potential, the world changes…dramatically and for the better.”





© Copyright 2016 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


Privacy statement: I take your privacy seriously and do not distribute your information to anyone.


Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.

Trauma is Affecting Our Health and Happiness. Mastery Newsletter July 6, 2016

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

Trauma is Affecting Our Health and Happiness


We are all Traumatized


Trauma can Wreck our Health


How do we get over it?


The Iceman Solution


Yogic Type Breathing May Resolve Some Trauma


Look at the research from David Berceli, author of The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process:


“Consider the fact that life begins traumatically. We come into the world through the painful process of birth—an experience where we are squeezed out of shape, pushed, and even sometimes pulled with hard, metallic instruments. It’s not a pleasant welcoming at all.

                Bursting into the light for the first time in our existence, our entry into the world is a shock to the human organism. A room filled with cold air, bright lights is a drastic change from the dark, soothing warmth we have become accustomed to in the womb. Making our debut in such a hostile atmosphere, it’s no wonder we begin life by bellowing our lungs out…


we are guaranteed to get bumps on the head, cuts, grazes…


our culture presents us with considerable psycho-emotional trauma…


When we are very young, trauma often accompanies even the most enjoyable of experiences…there’s always someone who wants the toy we are playing with…fun turns to tears, tantrums and trauma…we are threatened, yelled at, and perhaps even physically assaulted with a spanking…


When we begin school, we are likely to encounter bullying…Repeated bullying can be extremely traumatizing for a child…


As adults, we face new stresses and different sources of anxiety…a boss makes life difficult. A coworker betrays us. Or…we are let go…


Juggling career and family…can be especially anxiety-provoking…


(one report shows) that 40% of workers find their jobs to be stressful, and in many cases, extremely stressful.”



Trauma Can Wreck Your Health


As David Berceli outlines in his book, unresolved trauma can be at the root of a lot of chronic pain for which a cause has not been pinpointed.


When we are in a situation of life or death, or even a perceived situation of life or death, our system pumps up our fight or flight hormones. This is a survival mechanism. We need the adrenalin to get out of danger and save our lives.


The problem is if those fight or flight hormones are not turned off, we can be thrown off balance internally.


This is what many refer to as “being stressed out.”


Stress is recognized as being a major factor in illness. We are not meant to be in a continual state of stress. The stress hormone production turns off other systems in our bodies.


For example, digesting food is not on the radar when being chased by a saber toothed tiger. All our resources are focused on survival. The food digestion enzymes are not being produced while running. Nor are a host of other functions that deal with keeping us healthy.


If we don’t turn off the stress or fight or flight hormone production, our bodies can pay a high price.


These include “…anxiety disorder, depression, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal troubles, some cancers, and premature aging.. Stress also seems to increase the frequency and severity or migraine headaches, episodes of asthma, and fluctuation of blood sugar in diabetics.


Additionally, there is evidence that people experiencing significant psychological stress are more prone to develop colds and other infections that those who are less stressed. This is because stress reduces the efficiency of our immune system, which would normally fight off infection.”


“Gut and chest-related symptoms include irritable bowel syndrome, cramps and diarrhea, and gastro-esophageal reflux.


There is some evidence to suggest that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome may also be connected with the freeze response…Multiple chemical sensitivity…Asthma…a stutter…premenstrual syndrome, and postpartum psychosis ca be exacerbated by trauma. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and sleep apnea can also be related to trauma.”


In fact, any condition can have trauma as a contributing factor.



The Iceman Solution


Meanwhile, the Iceman, Wim Hof, is helping many with their trauma. Here is one post in his Facebook group:


“Duncan ten Kate · Veendam, Netherlands


I am diagnosed with Autism and in november it was too unbearable for me.


I knew I had to do something so I started with the Wim Hof inspiration. Using the cold to get stronger and later I was learning the Wim Hof breathing excercise.


I can do more things now, but sometimes I can do nothing. What is wrong with me? I made a big discovery about myself.


It turns out I have a bunch of trauma’s also called Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder.

It turns out all of my Autism symptoms are actually the behaviour of trauma’s.


I met Wim Hof in November with the Ice challenge event.

I talked to him and he said:

This guy is cured from his Autism!

I knew that it was not meant seriously but more like a motivation.


Last days I felt a pain in my chest. What is wrong with me? Why I feel that broken heart of 8 years ago again?


When I was a child. I felt alone. I had no friends. I didn’t understand people. At home there where fights and we where poor. We had almost no money.


At the age of 15 I felt in Love. But she didn’t liked me. She rejected me. I felt terrible and because I had no friends to talk too and my parents had other problems it was too difficult to handle the emotions. The broken heart evolved in a PTSD!


My autism behaviour was born. For more than 8 years I feel the same broken heart. Turns out that trauma’s actually behave with Adrenaline. When they see Danger you get a stress reaction, Fight, Flight or Freeze.


When I see actractive girls I get insecure. I get the same stress reaction. Because the Adrenaline my heart and stumache get’s not enough blood. That maked me tired and I can do nothing and I feel butterflies in my stumach.


I was quiting school and never started to work. People always finded me lazy and bullying me. In simple words I had no energy because the trauma’s.


Now with the Wim Hof breathing method I am learning to control my blood circulations and the adrenaline to handle broken heart syndrome and trauma reactions.


What he said is true. This is the cure for Autism.


Of course children are born with Autism, but that only means they have another working brain!


I am not good in social things, but I am very smart and creative.


Nobody is born with a stress disorder!


Children that are less social they are bullied and left alone.


All those childrens get small trauma’s on young age because the world is built for social people or they had other bad things happened in the past.


At later age they all have the behaviour of what people see as Autism stress and that are actually trauma’s. It is blocked in there mind. They don’t know the cause, but I discovered mine because I am Stronger now.


Thanks Wim Hof this really is changing my Life.”



How much of our dis-eases, conditions are caused by trauma? If not caused, have trauma as a contributing factor?


Have a look at this Vice documentary on Wim Hof, the Iceman.



Personal note:

I was inspired to take his course. As of this writing, I am on week 8 of Wim’s 10 week course.


My energy level is improved. I would say at least double the energy.


It is a step by step process. His system builds up the immune system over time. I expect and hope to continue to increase energy. I hope to improve my health more and more as time goes on.


July 6, 2016.


Matti Anttila




Love, Laughter and Smiles.






In this issue:


34 Pictures That Show You What Muscles You’re Stretching

Why the Globalists are Demolishing the EU … and What Its Replacement Will Look Like

8 Childish Ways To Have Fun As A Boring Adult

14 Things to Trash Without Thinking Twice










“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” – William Jennings Bryan: American orator and politician




34 Pictures That Show You What Muscles You’re Stretching (stretching can  be negative) #11 for psoas though





Why the Globalists are Demolishing the EU … and What Its Replacement Will Look Like



Keto Clarity. Jimmy Moore.

How the ketogenic diet is helping to heal many folks.




Black Mass. True story of gangster Whitey Bulger. Johnny Depp at his best…and scariest.





8 Childish Ways To Have Fun As A Boring Adult

I’ve compiled a list of things us boring adults can do to have fun, and remind ourselves of the simple, childish pleasures of life.



Let It Go: 14 Things to Trash Without Thinking Twice



“When we open to our potential, the world changes…dramatically and for the better.”


-Matti Anttila, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher.

Author of: The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.  


Free at

* Zen of Joy Questionnaire &

* 7 Step Zen of Joy Coaching


Publisher of Mastery Newsletter.


Free Special Reports when you subscribe, also: “Sitting is the New Smoking” Report: Yours with a no-cost Subscription to Mastery Newsletter



Publisher of:

108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health, includes How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy (No-cost)








Publisher Matti Anttila © Copyright 2016 Matti Anttila, 304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230.



Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


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