Archive for July, 2020

Dopamine as Poison? Mastery Newsletter July 29, 2020

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

Dopamine is how we get addicted…to heroin, coffee, sugar, Facebook, cell phones…to name a few.


Dopamine is also the motivating molecule/hormone.


So, why is it “bad?”


The source is the key.


Here is a great article from Health researcher and author Ken Peters on how to get your dopamine in an effective, healthy way.


Special note for those who have Parkinson’s also..



Feeling Good


Given that many of these newsletters are about what makes us sick, and given the nature of the times, this week I thought I would address the subject of feeling good.


And what makes us feel good? Ultimately, it is the neurotransmitter dopamine. From love to learning, from coffee to heroin, the dopamine pathway is involved.




The chemical messenger, dopamine, is evolution’s reward mechanism, one that serves many functions, aside from making us feel good.


Dopamine is involved in attention, memory, motivation, and even in regulating body movements (thus dopamine receptor malfunction is an attribute of Parkinson’s disease).


When the body releases large amounts of dopamine we experience feelings of pleasure and reward, this in turn motivates us to repeat a specific behavior.


Originally this worked out great: we fall in love and we release dopamine, being rewarded for maintaining the species (in a healthful manner); we learn something new, make a connection in an area that we find interesting, and we get a shot of dopamine encouraging learning in the species.


However, when we figured out how to stimulate the dopamine circuit on our own, things got dicey.


Most drugs from sugar and coffee to cocaine and heroin follow the dopamine circuit. Almost anything that can be addictive usually involves the dopamine circuit. Even simple computer games omnipresent on smartphones are based on the dopamine/reward system.


Social Media


And it’s not just computer games that ride this circuit.


Chamath Palihapitiya, former Vice President of User Growth at Facebook, had this to say to an audience of Stanford students: “The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works.” Palihapitiya went on to emphasize that smartphones, along with the social media platforms they support, are turning people into addicts.


Platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram, “leverage the very same neural circuitry used by slot machines and cocaine to keep us using their products as much as possible”.




While high dopamine levels have us feeling on top of the world, low levels of dopamine result in lowered enthusiasm for life, and reduced motivation.


Here, I would like to address the use of serotonin for depression.


Those showing symptoms of lowered enthusiasm for life and reduced motivation are what we would consider depressed. Clearly dopamine would be the answer here but, instead, drugs like Prozac – Selective Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors – are prescribed.


Drugs which work to increase serotonin. Serotonin is an inhibitory neurotransmitter (unlike dopamine which is an excitatory neurotransmitter), and is more suitable for those suffering from anxiety.


The simple definition is that serotonin is a “downer” and dopamine is an “upper. Thus it is absolutely incorrect, and dangerous, to give downers to those who are depressed.


(For more on this subject have a read of my older blog called “Mood Enhancers”.)


Raising Dopamine


I know what you are thinking: “but Ken, I don’t want to take heroin to feel good about life.”


Good news: you don’t have to. There are many natural ways to gently elevate our dopamine levels, which we will look at now.


Fat Consumption


Contrary to previous beliefs about fat, we do need some saturated fats, and some cholesterol, for good health.


That being said, animal research has indicated that saturated fats (found in animal fat, butter, coconut oil, full-fat dairy, and palm oil) may disrupt dopamine signaling in the brain.


However, this only occurs when these fats are consumed in large amounts, and these are rat studies, and it is possible that the traditional rat diet would not naturally be high in saturated fats.


Nonetheless, in one study, rats consuming 50% of their calories from saturated fat had reduced dopamine signaling in their brains, compared to rats receiving the same amount of calories from unsaturated fats.


As far as human studies go, some observational studies have identified a link between a diet high in saturated fats and poor cognitive functioning and memory, though it was not established if this effect was related to dopamine levels.


(These observational studies also revealed that the frequent consumption of fish was associated with better cognitive function and memory.) (Study)




The most powerful source of L-dopa, the precursor to dopamine, is the velvet bean, sold in supplemental form under its latin name, Mucuna Pruriens.


When concentrated into a form suitable for supplementing with, studies have shown that mucuna may be as effective as medications for boosting dopamine levels in those with Parkinson’s disease.


Another plant-derived substance shown to elevate dopamine is curcumin, from the spice turmeric. (Study) And, the ideal type of turmeric extract is the liposomal form, which delivers the curcumin directly into the cells. (Liposomal Curcumin/Resveratrol)




In a limited study of 8 experienced meditators, one hour of meditation induced a 64% increase in dopamine production, compared with the same participants simply resting quietly for an equal amount of time. (Study)




Brain imaging studies have found that listening to music increases activity in areas of the brain which are rich with dopamine receptors. (Study)




The gut is often referred to as the “second brain” due to the large number of nerve cells it contains, which produce many neurotransmitters.


In fact, there is now the term “psychobiotics” which is used to describe an “emerging class of probiotics of relevance to psychiatry”.


Research in this area has made it clear that certain species of gut bacteria are also capable of producing dopamine.


While there is limited research on the subject of dopamine and probiotics, there are certainly many studies which indicate that certain bacteria strains reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression (in animals and humans).


At this point I will mention an older newsletter of mine which revealed that our probiotic product, Lactospore Supreme, proved itself to be “effective in managing psychological conditions associated with disorders in the gut, opening up a new avenue of research in the field of enteric-neurobiology and brain-gut-microbiome axis”.




Dopamine requires two amino acids in order to be produced in the body, both of which are obtained from foods high in protein.


These two, phenylalanine and tyrosine, are found in beef, dairy products, eggs, legumes, soy, and turkey.


(Vegetarians might consider consuming the algae spirulina, which is very high in phenylalanine.)


There are studies which show that increasing the amount of tyrosine and phenylalanine in the diet can increase dopamine levels in the brain.


And, other studies show that removing phenylalanine and tyrosine from the diet will result in depleted dopamine.


For those not eating a high protein diet (which is primarily a diet including animal foods, or an awful lot of protein shakes), or for those with seriously low dopamine levels, the two amino acids in question are available in supplement form.


(Single amino acids in supplement form should be taken on an empty stomach, or at least away from protein.)




As you might expect, we release dopamine in the mornings, when we need to wake up and be alert (thus coffee, which provides caffeine, and also elevates dopamine levels moderately).


And of course, dopamine levels decline in the evening (as serotonin levels, ideally, rise), when it is time to relax and go to sleep.


However, lack of sleep can disrupt the natural rhythms of neurotransmitters. Studies in which subjects are forced to stay awake throughout the night, have shown that the ability to process dopamine is drastically reduced by the next morning.


Other studies have confirmed that regular, good quality sleep keeps dopamine levels ideal, and aids in one being more alert and high functioning during the day.




Most of us are aware of the condition called SAD (seasonal affective disorder), which causes some people to feel depressed during the winter.


It has been established that low exposure to sunlight can lead to reduced levels of dopamine, and that exposure to more sunlight can increase dopamine levels.


In fact, even tanning salons will do the job of tricking your body into believing it is getting sunshine.


In one study, those who used tanning beds at least twice a week, for one year, were found to have higher dopamine levels as a result (and a desire to repeat the behavior, indicating that even tanning can be addictive).




While most forms of exercise benefit the mood, one that is clinically effective at raising dopamine levels is yoga. One study, lasting 3 months, discovered that one hour of yoga, done 6 days of the week, could increase dopamine levels significantly.


Essential Nutrients


Finally, it must be mentioned that we do require certain nutrients be present for our body to make dopamine (aside from the aforementioned amino acids), and if these are not present in adequate amounts, none of the above techniques will be able to work.


The most important nutrients for dopamine production are: iron, niacin, folate and vitamin B6, magnesium, and vitamin D.




Dopamine is a double-edged sword. Proper amounts, naturally derived, are part of a healthy, happy life.


Too much, attained through unnatural means (drugs, gambling, social media tricks, being addicted to falling in love), eventually blunts or (in the case of heavy drug use) destroys the dopamine receptors.


At that point the individual can no longer get high on life, and needs more and more of the drug, or lifestyle, in question just to feel anything.


This is why Chamath Palihapitiya stated social media addiction is “destroying how society works”.


A nation of addicts jonesing for their next fix is hardly what we need in these perilous times.



-Ken Peters has been in the health and nutrition field for over 30 years as a researcher, writer, and nutritional consultant.  He works in product research and development for NutriStart Vitamin Company, among others.


See the web article for the references to the studies…



To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


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Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.                                                


Coffee as Poisonous Drug? Mastery Newsletter 2020

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

Some of the points in this article:


Caffeine damages the brain,


Makes you overweight, sick and dumb,


Inhibits the higher thought centres of the brain,


Destroys human potential,


Causes many health issues, (partial list in the story),


Increases cancer growth, and…


“…there’s absolutely no scientific evidence what so ever that coffee provides any health benefits to the human body, on any level, in anyway….”


This article from health researcher Jason Christoff.



“14 Little Known Facts About Coffee


The easiest way to control a population is to poison it. Poisoning makes people weak and needy.


Weak and needy people literally beg to be ruled. You can’t farm lions, only lambs.


Narcotics work best at building addiction, providing escapism and destroying strength in the body. As an invading force, this is optimal.


This is why every great nation that has spread across the earth used to have laws that made narcotics illegal.


Inversely this is why our bought and paid for leaders either smuggle the drugs into our society…because our leaders don’t work for us.


In order to rule over any people, the narcotics must flow fast and furious, in order to destroy the resistance potential in the public.


Coffee is one such narcotic, more aptly caffeine.


In order to maintain rule over a weakened and addicted population, you must make the slaves become obsessed with the narcotics first and foremost, as opposed to what the culture needs to do in order to maintain itself…..which is to stay clean and healthy plus produce healthy, strong and vibrant offspring who can maintain the tribe’s strength and numbers.


You must make as many people as addicted as possible, so the only focus the culture has is getting high, as opposed to maintaining its sovereignty and strength.


You must market the slave’s poisoning of themselves as normal and all part of the immense freedom they have down in the slave camp.


There are such groups documented throughout history who do take over cultures (and destroy them) with narcotics and many other fake freedoms that weaken the herd, both physically and spiritually.


The EU and North America are now about to fall to this covert group and coffee has plenty to do with this stealth attack, as do all the other health and strength destroying chemicals/narcotics that are smuggled into our society.


These health destroying compounds are brought into our society purposely, in order to bring about its downfall and our subjugation to an enemy most know nothing about.


  1. Caffeine is an alkaloid that the coffee plant uses to kill bugs, which eat its’ seeds.

The coffee plant also uses caffeine in the coffee pods to kill surrounding plants, so the coffee plant can attain more sunlight and grow larger.


Caffeine is a pesticide, which causes genetic termination in living cells that come into contact with it.


  1. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%.


  1. Brain imaging studies of chronic coffee drinkers showed they presented the same degradation of their brains as chronic alcoholics, cigarette smokers, Parkinson’s patients and marijuana users.



  1. Coffee can cause an urge to move ones’ bowels because this is one way the body tries to eliminate poison from the system.


  1. Coffee increases energy via the human fight or flight metabolic response, because the body is afraid of the caffeine based poison.


Coffee doesn’t give energy, it removes it from the body.


The energy a person feels when they drink coffee is the body going into overdrive because caffeine is a poison and all poisons activate an energy release in the body. (fight or flight) Coffee removes energy from the system.


  1. When the fight or flight response is triggered in the body, the lower IQ centers of the brain are activated as well as hormonal systems in control of aggression, violence, irrational and illogical decision making, jealousy, rage, anger, fear and paranoia.


  1. When measured, 1 coffee activated the fight and flight response for 3 consecutive weeks, even though no other caffeine was consumed after that 1 cup of coffee.


This means the most primal/low IQ centers of the brain (the limbic system) are activated for 3 weeks after consuming one cup of coffee, even if no other caffeine is consumed in that 3 week period.


Making decisions through the limbic center of the brain (our caveman portion) is also proven to lead to chaotic life situations because of the low mental processing capabilities that area of the mind is famous for.


  1. When coffee (caffeine) is consumed, the limbic part of the brain is hyper activated and the higher learning centers of the mind inhibited.


The limbic part of the brain is only concerned with sex, reproduction, protection of territory, food acquisition and personal safety.


The limbic portion of the brain is the most primitive and least developed portion of the mind complex.


When you want to out smart or dominate another person, it’s best that their limbic system is activated, because it brings them to a mental state equal to that of a child.


  1. The birth control pill inhibits clearing of ingested caffeine.


This effect is increased dramatically by alcohol or pain killer use, therefore causing many cases of caffeine poisoning, which get treated as other things once the person reaches the hospital.


  1. Coffee is proven to cause an enlarged prostate, high anxiety, insomnia, depression, birth defects, pain syndromes, unnatural breathing patterns, brain damage, hyperactivity, learning disorders (from the brain damage) behavior disorders, fatigue, certain types of cancer, Crohns, IBS, colitis, heart disease, headaches, PMS, increased incidence of muscle and tendon injury, joint pain, carpel tunnel…and that’s a short list.


  1. Coffee causes fat gain and cellulite because by triggering the body’s flight or fight system (which any poison or threat does), eventually changes the body’s primary fuel source requirement to one of fat.


When the body is threatened, it prefers fat as its’ primary fuel source, over sugar or protein.


Constant activation of the body’s fight or flight system (via the daily ingestion of caffeine poison) aids in a metabolic shift to fat storage and fat conservation, because again the body prefers fat as a fuel source when fighting any toxic intruder…because fat contains 9 calories per gram for the fight, as opposed to 4 calories per gram housed by sugar and protein.


Welcome to the land of coffee (caffeine) induced fat gain, weight gain and cellulite.


  1. Coffee (caffeine) blocks iron absorption, causing the vast majority of anemia today.


The entire threat of caffeine in general includes caffeine teas, chocolates, caffeine based energy drinks, caffeine based pre work out drinks and over 2000 over the counter and prescription medications that PURPOSELY include caffeine.


Medical doctors aren’t generally aware of the symptoms of caffeine poisoning and also only get paid when you’re sick, so keeping you on the coffee/caffeine train makes your return visits a guarantee.


  1. Here we have an article explaining clearly why caffeine destroys human potential within the brain, leading lower life performance and achievement on all levels.


This is an agenda explained below.


Hot chocolate, caffeine laced energy drinks, chocolate and pop of course are gate way caffeine drugs for children…. toward their future coffee addictions as adults.


When I moved to my town, there were 2 coffee shops. One in the east end, one in the west. Now there are over 20 and the population has not changed at all. There’s a reason for this.


  1. An investigation conducted by the author of the most extensive book on coffee ever written, reviewed almost every scientific research piece regarding coffee and his conclusion was that there’s absolutely no scientific evidence what so ever that coffee provides any health benefits to the human body, on any level, in anyway.


He openly declares that any positive promotion of coffee consumption is a blatant lie, doing grave harm to our entire society.


The publication of any positive effects of coffee are false and all can be traced back to a very powerful, covert and secret “coffee lobby”, which has both commercial and ruling family origins.


The author reviews the research in the book at this added link.


How many coffee shops have opened in your town in the last 20 years?


  1. A new investigation of coffee shows that it increases cancer growth and spread dramatically…… here to read more.


So why the lying about coffee?


Think of government and how governing a brain damaged population is easier than governing a healthy population.


Start there and keep connecting the dots.


This documentary explains more


Coffee is only one brain damaging weapon used against an uninformed slave class.


The 10 most popular brain damaging weapons used against the slave class (in order of use) are 1) vaccines 2) coffee and caffeine products 3) alcohol 4) medical drugs 5) sugar/wheat/cow’s milk 6) fluoride 7) cigarettes 8) processed junk foods and genetically modified foods 9) EMF radiation from wireless devices and 10) chemtrails.


If you’ve ever posed the question,


“why are people so stunned, as to not connect the dots or realize the depth of their own ignorance?”…


you’re missing the point that the brain damage of the slave class is the primary agenda of the ruling 1%.


Dr. Russell Blaylock expands on this point here at this added link



Coffee and vaccines are the elite’s 1-2 punch within “operation brain damage” down here on the human farm.



Coffee and caffeine products not only prime people to be overweight, sick and dumb……


they destroy the part of the brain that could warn the person that they’re becoming overweight, sick and dumb.


This is how science is used against the slave.


The best slave is a brain damaged slave, unable to think or care for themselves without the help of slave master.


A helpless population guarantees a need for government.


This is why the ruling families do everything in their power to create a helpless population, day in and day out.


Governments exist because they perpetually create the conditions for their own existence.


Ancient ruling families, who masquerade as modern altruistic governments, are not there to help the people progress, evolve or become more.


You live on a chemically controlled slave based control grid.


Coffee is just another poison that helps manufacture the low IQ and permanent ill health needed to maintain this control grid.


Want to shut the human farm down and put slave master out of business?


Reject the poisons.”


Click here to view an entire book, which reviews these effects of coffee and much more.



10 reasons to quit caffeine video in this link to the original story…





To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


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Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.                                                


Spike in Stress or Fear Equals Weakened Immune System – COVID-19. Mastery Newsletter July 27, 2020

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

From Dr. Joe Dispenza:


“The world is undergoing an unprecedented situation, where we are required to work with precautions, essentially by social distancing.


COVID-19 has stressed-out people’s lives for numerous concerns, especially related to their immune systems.


The majority of the population in almost every country is under the fear of losing jobs and opportunities.


People are fearful of (lagging) behind in the economy and above all, death.


Something like this, was not so common, in the past and now, when the virus is in, many are facing panic and anxiety-related concerns.


The lockdown rules have significantly helped us gain physical strength whereas mental strength is still been ignored.


A strong immune system has been gifted to us to fight any virus, however, it can weaken by mental and emotional disbalance.



Yes, your external environment can mess up your immune system for the worst scenario.


And hence, it’s time that you understand that fear and stress in their subjugated form are even more dangerous as it increases the risk of infections.


Dr. Joe Dispenza, a neuroscientist and a well-known author of the famous book, “You are the Placebo” has very beautifully described the relationship of thoughts & feelings with brain & body, respectively.


He says, “Thought is a language of the brain and feeling a language of the body”.


And hence, when you think of fearful thoughts, your body programs itself to feel fearful.


How does Stress impact your Immune system?


The negative thoughts, if entertained for a long duration such as years, can cause prolonged stress.


It can be disastrous on the immune system. Well, the body works upon the chemicals released (depending upon what you have been thinking), which further impacts or shifts the entire biology.


According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, living in stress equals living in survival mode i.e fight-or-flight response.


And you can neither stay in survival mode forever nor you can let your body be seriously damaged.


It leads to no repair or growth or maintenance at the cellular level, which further leads to improper functioning of cells as a group.


Now the question you must ask yourself is…

Are you living in survival mode?


Undoubtedly, stress has become a major part of the life of almost every individual in the modern world.


Stress not only has a negative and disastrous effect on our mind but also takes a toll on the body.


Well, this is because a major part of our body’s energy is used in coping with stress as we are constantly living in survival mode.


According to a book called “You Are the Placebo” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, all forms of stress (physical, chemical, and emotional) can initiate a number of changes in the mind and body.


Well, they have the capability of setting off more than 1400 chemical reactions.


Through the autonomous nervous system, the mind influences the body by triggering the flight-or-fight response.


There-by sending our body into survival mode. A number of reactions take place in the body which will decide whether to fight or flee in a situation.


When one senses a threat in their external environment, the fight-or-flight response, or “the survival mode” gets activated.


Further, this results in an increase in heart rate and blood pressure levels, tensing of muscles, and an increase in hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.


All organisms are designed to deal with stress. Feeling stressed is supposed to be adaptive in nature. 


For example, if you are in a situation like having an encounter with any wild animal, your body will enter the survival mode.


It will become unbalanced until it reaches safety. Once you are out of danger, your body will become balanced again.


Now, the problem is that our lifestyle has become so stressful these days that we are forced to constantly live in survival mode.


Well, think of your relationship problems, workload, lack of recreation, etc. All these keep you stressed on a daily basis.


Constant worry and stress


Well, the short term stress is bound to eventually become long term stress.


In such a situation your body cannot return to its original balanced state as expected.


Your body is not allowed to rejuvenate and heal. Rather it is constantly engaged in defensive stance or rather “the survival mode”. 


And hence a large part of the body’s energy is wasted in dealing with this long term stress depriving the other body parts of their energy to function properly.


Furthermore, this gives rise to other health problems like anxiety and depression.


Over time such short term stresses culminate into long- term stress and give rise to health problems like anxiety, depression, strokes, cancer, ulcers, arthritis, allergies, infertility, chronic fatigue, impotence, allergies, accelerated aging, hair loss, and diabetes to name a few.


We are not programmed to withstand long-term stress and neither are we capable to hard-wire ourselves to survive it.


Well, as per the above, how you think and then feel has the ability to further impact your body at a genetic level.


Now, you must be aware of the study that clearly discusses the weakening impact of genetics on your immune system.


Furthermore, your autonomic nervous system gets automated on a high flush of stress, which further links to the intestinal nervous system.


Furthermore, the adrenal glands end up in the production of cortisol results in visceral fat.


It further releases hormones in the immune system chemicals called Cytokines.


This is what leads to a spike in the risks of chronic diseases.


Also, chronic stress can hamper the function of some immune cells making the body susceptible to the infections.

Scary or Mind-opening?


Well, there’s always something you can do no matter what the problem is (however, that requires a calm mind that can think of a solution for the better and not attract more problems for the worst).


You can opt for not allowing the negative state of mind to become the state of being.


Well, minimizing the news hours and practicing meditation instead might help you get started.


You can learn new things and invest your time in understanding more about the mind and body connection.


Also, you may opt for working on your hobbies. It will further help calm your mind to get rid of all your fears for certain hours if not more.


Moreover, you must remember to abide by the lockdown rules strictly.

Until then!!!”





“When we are in a state of fear, typically what we do is select the worst-case scenario & then prepare ourselves emotionally for when it occurs.


Now when we get it right, we are proud of ourselves and say, look how smart I am, I predicted that.


But what happens when you don’t get it right?


That’s called anxiety, insomnia, neurosis. It’s called OCD.


And the reason being is because as we select that worst-case scenario and embrace ourselves emotionally for the outcome.


You are combining that thought & feeling and you move into a new state of being.


This knocks our brain & body out of balance just by thought alone. ⁣ ⁣


So the fear then becomes an addiction and we begin to reaffirm that addiction because we keep thinking about the thoughts that create those emotional states.


Now, the repetition of that cycle conditions the body to become the mind emotionally.


So if you keep doing it, sooner or later you’re going to program fear into your body as the mind, which means it’s going to have a panic attack without you, try as you may with your conscious mind to change it.


But it has been programmed subconsciously.


So if people can continuously bring their body back into the present moment in meditation and practice being present, you can’t be afraid if you’re in the present moment.


The side effect of that is every time you bring the body back into the present, you’re reconditioning it to a new mind, which means the body is no longer the mind.


The body being the animal or the servant, all of a sudden, is being conditioned by a new mind.


We have been programmed by society to fear the unknown. Because when you’re in fear, the best thing to do is run from the unknown.


Because the animal in the wild who’s hearing something around the corner and doesn’t know what it is, it’s going to run because there’s a better chance of survival.


So when we’re living by fear and the hormones of stress, we run from the unknown.


But if you truly overcome your fear, then the unknown becomes an adventure.


The unknown is the best place to create from and that’s when it gets exciting.⁣


Now, is the time to be greater than our fear❤️ “



To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


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Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.                                                


Believe Almost Nothing is the Safest Route. Mastery Newsletter July 17, 2020

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

“…Remember these words:

“Pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies, as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want them to conclude.”


By Malcolm Kendrick, doctor and author who works as a GP in the National Health Service in England. His book: ‘Doctoring Data – How to Sort Out Medical Advice from Medical Nonsense’


“… a cheap, over-the-counter anti-malarial drug costing £7 combats Covid-19…


In this world, cheap drugs such as hydroxychloroquine don’t stand much chance. Neither do cheap vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin D.


Do they have benefits for Covid-19 sufferers?


I’m sure they do. Will such benefits be dismissed in studies that have been carefully manipulated to ensure they don’t work? Of course.


Remember these words:


“Pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies, as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want them to conclude.”

Unless and until governments and medical bodies act decisively to permanently sever the financial ties between researchers and Big Pharma, these distortions and manipulations in the pursuit of Big Profit will continue.


Just please don’t hold your breath in anticipation…”


“…What can you believe? Who can you believe?

Almost nothing would be the safest course of action…”


Full article:


Evidence that a cheap, over-the-counter anti-malarial drug costing £7 combats Covid-19 gets trashed. Why?


Because the pharmaceutical giants want to sell you a treatment costing nearly £2,000. It’s criminal.


A few years ago, I wrote a book called ‘Doctoring Data’.


This was an attempt to help people understand the background to the tidal wave of medical information that crashes over us each and every day.


Information that is often completely contradictory, viz ‘Coffee is good for you… no, wait it’s bad for you… no, wait, it’s good for you again,’ repeated ad nauseam.


I also pointed out some of the tricks, games and manipulations that are used to make medications seem far more effective than they truly are, or vice versa. This, I have to say, can be a very dispiriting world to enter. When I give talks on this subject, I often start with a few quotes.


For example, here is Dr Marcia Angell, who edited the New England Journal of Medicine for over 20 years, writing in 2009:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines.


I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor.”



Have things got better? No, I believe they’ve got worse – if that were, indeed, possible.


I was recently sent the following email about a closed-door, no-recording-allowed discussion, held in May of this year under no-disclosure Chatham House rules:

“A secretly recorded meeting between the editors-in-chief of The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine reveal both men bemoaning the ‘criminal’ influence big pharma has on scientific research.


According to Philippe Douste-Blazy, France’s former health minister and 2017 candidate for WHO director, the leaked 2020 Chatham House closed-door discussion was between the [editor-in-chiefs], whose publications both retracted papers favorable to big pharma over fraudulent data.


The email continued with a quote from that recording: ‘Now we are not going to be able to … publish any more clinical research data because the pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies, as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want them to conclude,’ said The Lancet’s editor-in-chief, Richard Horton.”


A YouTube video where this issue is discussed can be found here:


It’s in French, but there are English subtitles.


The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet are the two most influential, most highly resourced medical journals in the world. If they no longer have the ability to detect what is essentially fraudulent research, then… Then what? Then what, indeed?


In fact, things have generally taken a sharp turn for the worse since the Covid-19 pandemic struck.


New studies, new data, new information is arriving at breakneck speed, often with little or no effective review.


What can you believe? Who can you believe?

Almost nothing would be the safest course of action.


One issue has played out over the past few months, stripping away any remaining vestiges of my trust in medical research.


It concerns the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine. You may well be aware that Donald Trump endorsed it – which presents a whole series of problems for many people.


However, before the pandemic hit, I was recommending to my local NHS trust that we should look to stock up on hydroxychloroquine.


There had been a great deal of research over the years strongly suggesting it could inhibit the entry of viruses into cells, and that it also interfered with viral replication once inside the cell.


This mechanism of action explains why it can help stop the malaria parasite from gaining entry into red blood cells.


The science is complex, but many researchers felt there was good reason for thinking hydroxychloroquine may have some real, if not earth-shattering, benefits in Covid-19.


This idea was further reinforced by the knowledge that it has some effects on reducing the so-called ‘cytokine storm’ that is considered deadly with Covid-19. It’s prescribed in rheumatoid arthritis to reduce the immune attack on joints.


The other reason for recommending hydroxychloroquine is that it’s extremely safe. It is, for example, the most widely prescribed drug in India. Billions upon billions of doses have been prescribed. It is available over the counter in most countries. So, I felt pretty comfortable in recommending that it could be tried. At worst, no harm would be done.


Then hydroxychloroquine became the center of a worldwide storm. On one side, wearing the white hats, were the researchers who’d used it early on, where it seemed to show some significant benefits.


For example, Professor Didier Raoult, of the Institut Hospitalo-universitaire Méditerranée Infection, in France:

“A renowned research professor in France has reported successful results from a new treatment for Covid-19, with early tests suggesting it can stop the virus from being contagious in just six days.”



Then came this research from a Moroccan scientist at the University of Lille: “Jaouad Zemmouri … believes that 78 percent of Europe’s Covid-19 deaths could have been prevented if Europe had used hydroxychloroquine… Morocco, with a population of 36 million [roughly one tenth that of the US], has only 10,079 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and only 214 deaths.


“Professor Zemmouri believes that Morocco’s use of hydroxychloroquine has resulted in an 82.5 percent recovery rate from Covid-19 and only a 2.1 percent fatality rate, in those admitted to hospital.”


Just prior to this, on May 22, a study was published in The Lancet, stating that hydroxychloroquine actually increased deaths. It then turned out that the data used could not be verified and was most likely made up.


The authors had major conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies making anti-viral drugs. In early June, the entire article was retracted by Horton.


Then a UK study came out suggesting that hydroxychloroquine did not work at all.


Discussing the results, Professor Martin Landray, an Oxford University professor who is co-leading the Randomised Evaluation of Covid-19 Therapy (RECOVERY) trial, stated: “This is not a treatment for Covid-19. It doesn’t work. This result should change medical practice worldwide. We can now stop using a drug that is useless.”


The study has since been heavily criticized by other researchers, who state that the dose of hydroxychloroquine used was potentially toxic. It was also given far too late to have any positive effect. Many of the patients were already on ventilators.


This week, I was sent a pre-proof copy of an article about a study that will be published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases.


Its author has found that hydroxychloroquine “significantly” decreased the death rate of patients involved in the analysis.


The study analyzed 2,541 patients hospitalized in six hospitals between March 10 and May 2 2020, and found 13 percent of those treated with hydroxychloroquine died and 26 percent of those who did not receive the drug died.


When things get this messed up, I tend to look for the potential conflicts of interest. By which I mean, who stands to make money from slamming the use of hydroxychloroquine, which is a generic drug that’s been around since 1934 and costs about £7 for a bottle of 60 tablets?


In this case, first, it’s those companies who make the hugely expensive antiviral drugs such as Gilead Sciences’ remdesivir, which, in the US, costs $2,340 for a typical five-day course.


Second, it’s the companies that are striving to get a vaccine to market.


There are billions and billions of dollars at stake here.


In this world, cheap drugs such as hydroxychloroquine don’t stand much chance. Neither do cheap vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin D. Do they have benefits for Covid-19 sufferers? I’m sure they do. Will such benefits be dismissed in studies that have been carefully manipulated to ensure they don’t work? Of course.


Remember these words:


Pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies, as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want them to conclude.” 


Unless and until governments and medical bodies act decisively to permanently sever the financial ties between researchers and Big Pharma, these distortions and manipulations in the pursuit of Big Profit will continue.


 Just please don’t hold your breath in anticipation.




To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


Privacy statement: I take your privacy seriously and do not distribute your information to anyone.


Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.                                                


Mask Don’t Work. Mastery Newsletter July 15, 2020

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

“…The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests.


Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history….

Conclusion Regarding That Masks Do Not Work


No RCT study with verified outcome shows a benefit for HCW or community members in households to wearing a mask or respirator.


There is no such study.


There are no exceptions.


Likewise, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public (more on this below).


Furthermore, if there were any benefit to wearing a mask, because of the blocking power against droplets and aerosol particles, then there should be more benefit from wearing a respirator (N95) compared to a surgical mask, yet several large meta-analyses, and all the RCT, prove that there is no such relative benefit.


Masks and respirators do not work.

Therefore, all the epidemiological mathematical modeling of the benefits of mediating policies (such as social distancing), which assumes humidity-independent R0 values, has a large likelihood of being of little value, on this basis alone.

To put it simply, the “second wave” of an epidemic is not a consequence of human sin regarding mask wearing and hand shaking.


Rather, the “second wave” is an inescapable consequence of an air-dryness-driven many-fold increase in disease contagiousness, in a population that has not yet attained immunity.

All of this to say that: if anything gets through (and it always does, irrespective of the mask), then you are going to be infected.


Masks cannot possibly work.


It is not surprising, therefore, that no bias-free study has ever found a benefit from wearing a mask or respirator in this application.



Therefore, the studies that show partial stopping power of masks, or that show that masks can capture many large droplets produced by a sneezing or coughing mask-wearer, in light of the above-described features of the problem, are irrelevant.


For example, such studies as these: Leung (2020), Davies (2013), Lai (2012), and Sande (2008).


By making mask-wearing recommendations and policies for the general public, or by expressly condoning the practice, governments have both ignored the scientific evidence and done the opposite of following the precautionary principle.


In an absence of knowledge, governments should not make policies that have a hypothetical potential to cause harm.


The government has an onus barrier before it instigates a broad social-engineering intervention, or allows corporations to exploit fear-based sentiments.


Furthermore, individuals should know that there is no known benefit arising from wearing a mask in a viral respiratory illness epidemic, and that scientific studies have shown that any benefit must be residually small, compared to other and determinative factors.


Otherwise, what is the point of publicly funded science?


The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests.


Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.


To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


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Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.                                                


Lockdowns a “Mass Casualty Incident” Mastery Newsletter July 13, 2020

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

Not me saying it.


600 doctors sent a letter to President Trump saying it.


Reported in Forbes. (Mainstream as it gets)


Read online:


“…“The downstream health effects…are being massively under-estimated and under-reported.


This is an order of magnitude error,” according to the letter initiated by Simone Gold, M.D., an emergency medicine specialist in Los Angeles.


“Suicide hotline phone calls have increased 600%,” the letter said.


Other silent casualties: 


“150,000 Americans per month who would have had new cancer detected through routine screening.”…”



Other doctors have been saying this…some of them deleted from FB…


Are we going to ignore 600 of them?


more than likely…with the shoddy media reporting…


“…“Ending the lockdowns are not about Wall Street or disregard for people’s lives; it about saving lives,” said Dr. Marilyn Singleton, a California anesthesiologist and one of the signers of the letter.


“We cannot let this disease change the U.S. from a free, energetic society to a society of broken souls dependent on government handouts.”…


“…More than 600 of the nation’s physicians sent a letter to President Trump this week calling the coronavirus shutdowns a “mass casualty incident” with “exponentially growing negative health consequences” to millions of non COVID patients.


“The downstream health effects…are being massively under-estimated and under-reported. This is an order of magnitude error,” according to the letter initiated by Simone Gold, M.D., an emergency medicine specialist in Los Angeles.


“Suicide hotline phone calls have increased 600%,” the letter said….

From missed cancer diagnoses to untreated heart attacks and strokes to increased risks of suicides, “We are alarmed at what appears to be a lack of consideration for the future health of our patients.”


Patients fearful of visiting hospitals and doctors’ offices are dying because COVID-phobia is keeping them from seeking care.


One patient died at home of a heart attack rather than go to an emergency room. The number of severe heart attacks being treated in nine U.S hospitals surveyed dropped by nearly 40% since March…



“It is impossible to overstate the short, medium, and long-term harm to people’s health with a continued shutdown,” the letter says. “Losing a job is one of life’s most stressful events, and the effect on a person’s health is not lessened because it also has happened to 30 million [now 38 million] other people.


As the number of deaths from the virus begin to decline, we are likely to awaken to this new wave of casualties the 600 physicians are warning about. We should be listening to the doctors, and heed their advice immediately….”



To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


Privacy statement: I take your privacy seriously and do not distribute your information to anyone.


Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.                                                


COVID-19 On Is Last Legs. Mastery Newsletter July 10, 2020

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

Don’t let the media bamboozle you about Sweden….

or anything else about this event…

It’s just another flu…

and it’s on its final legs…

Death rates: “…are in the range 0.07 to 0.20

similar to…seasonal influenza…”

“…The COVID-19 virus is on its final legs, and while I have filled this post with graphs to prove everything I just said, this is really the only graph you need to see, it’s the CDC’s data, over time, of deaths from COVID-19 here in the U.S., and the trend line is unmistakable:

The Herd Immunity Threshold (“HIT”) for COVID-19 is between 10-20%

This fact gets less press than any other….

Calculations from this study of data in Stockholm showed a HIT of 17%, and if you really love data check out this great essay by Brown Professor Dr. Andrew Bostom titled, COVID-19 ‘herd immunity’ without vaccination?

Teaching modern vaccine dogma old tricks.

I’m going to share his summary with you, because it’s so good:…

One of the most vocal members of the scientific community discussing COVID-19’s HIT is Stanford’s Nobel-laureate Dr. Michael Levitt.

Back on May 4, he gave this great interview to the Stanford Daily where he advocated for Sweden’s approach of letting COVID-19 spread naturally through the community until you arrive at HIT.

He stated:

“If Sweden stops at about 5,000 or 6,000 deaths, we will know that they’ve reached herd immunity, and we didn’t need to do any kind of lockdown.

My own feeling is that it will probably stop because of herd immunity. COVID is serious, it’s at least a serious flu. But it’s not going to destroy humanity as people thought.”

Guess what? That’s exactly what happened.

As of today, 7 weeks after his prediction, Sweden has 5,280 deaths.

In this graph, you can see that deaths in Sweden PEAKED when the HIT was halfway to its peak (roughly 7.3%) and by the time the virus hit 14% it was nearly extinguished…

How could Dr. Levitt have predicted the death range for Sweden so perfectly 7 weeks ago?

Because he had a pretty solid idea of what the HIT would be.

(If you’d like to further geek-out on HIT, check out: Why herd immunity to COVID-19 is reached much earlier than thought.)

I absolutely LOVE Dr. Levitt (and as a Stanford alum, so proud he is a Stanford professor), watch this incredible video from just yesterday, go to 10:59 and just listen to this remarkable man!!

Thrilled with his brand-new paper, released today, Predicting the Trajectory of Any COVID19 Epidemic From the Best Straight Line.

By the way, as a quick aside, and something else the press won’t touch:

COVID-19 is a coronavirus, and we have ALL been exposed to MANY coronaviruses during our lives on earth (like the common cold).

Guess what?

Scientists are now showing evidence that up to 81% of us can mount a strong response to COVID-19 without ever having been exposed to it before:

Back to death rates over time.

We actually have our own Sweden here in the U.S.

It’s called New York City.

In our case, we accidentally created a Sweden scenario, in that we took our medicine quickly, because:

1) New York locked down so late that they didn’t flatten anything,

2) they have the highest population density in the U.S. in NYC, and

3) the public health officials and Governors there made the bone-headed decision to send COVID-positive nursing home residents back to their nursing home, accelerating deaths of the most vulnerable.

What’s their death curve look like today?

In this case, I borrowed the graph from the NYC public health website:

the virus—like every virus in the history of mankind—is running out of people to infect.

The virus has a HIT of 10-20% and 70% of people are likely naturally immune. Hosts are in short supply!…”

What about deaths? (IFR refers to Infection Fatality Rate)

“…most studies provide IFR point estimates that are within a relatively narrow range. Seven of the 12 inferred IFRs are in the range 0.07 to 0.20…similar to IFR values of seasonal influenza. ..”

So…it’s just another flu!!!

To Your Joy, Energy and Health,

Matti Anttila

Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.

Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy

Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J

Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.

Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.




304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230


© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4

Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:

Privacy statement: I take your privacy seriously and do not distribute your information to anyone.

Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.

COVID-19 On Is Last Legs.

Mastery Newsletter July 10, 2020

Don’t let the media bamboozle you about Sweden….

or anything else about this event…

It’s just another flu…

and it’s on its final legs…

Death rates: “…are in the range 0.07 to 0.20

similar to…seasonal influenza…”

“…The COVID-19 virus is on its final legs, and while I have filled this post with graphs to prove everything I just said, this is really the only graph you need to see, it’s the CDC’s data, over time, of deaths from COVID-19 here in the U.S., and the trend line is unmistakable:

The Herd Immunity Threshold (“HIT”) for COVID-19 is between 10-20%

This fact gets less press than any other….

Calculations from this study of data in Stockholm showed a HIT of 17%, and if you really love data check out this great essay by Brown Professor Dr. Andrew Bostom titled, COVID-19 ‘herd immunity’ without vaccination?

Teaching modern vaccine dogma old tricks.

I’m going to share his summary with you, because it’s so good:…

One of the most vocal members of the scientific community discussing COVID-19’s HIT is Stanford’s Nobel-laureate Dr. Michael Levitt.

Back on May 4, he gave this great interview to the Stanford Daily where he advocated for Sweden’s approach of letting COVID-19 spread naturally through the community until you arrive at HIT.

He stated:

“If Sweden stops at about 5,000 or 6,000 deaths, we will know that they’ve reached herd immunity, and we didn’t need to do any kind of lockdown.

My own feeling is that it will probably stop because of herd immunity. COVID is serious, it’s at least a serious flu. But it’s not going to destroy humanity as people thought.”

Guess what? That’s exactly what happened.

As of today, 7 weeks after his prediction, Sweden has 5,280 deaths.

In this graph, you can see that deaths in Sweden PEAKED when the HIT was halfway to its peak (roughly 7.3%) and by the time the virus hit 14% it was nearly extinguished…

How could Dr. Levitt have predicted the death range for Sweden so perfectly 7 weeks ago?

Because he had a pretty solid idea of what the HIT would be.

(If you’d like to further geek-out on HIT, check out: Why herd immunity to COVID-19 is reached much earlier than thought.)

I absolutely LOVE Dr. Levitt (and as a Stanford alum, so proud he is a Stanford professor), watch this incredible video from just yesterday, go to 10:59 and just listen to this remarkable man!!

Thrilled with his brand-new paper, released today, Predicting the Trajectory of Any COVID19 Epidemic From the Best Straight Line.

By the way, as a quick aside, and something else the press won’t touch:

COVID-19 is a coronavirus, and we have ALL been exposed to MANY coronaviruses during our lives on earth (like the common cold).

Guess what?

Scientists are now showing evidence that up to 81% of us can mount a strong response to COVID-19 without ever having been exposed to it before:

Back to death rates over time.

We actually have our own Sweden here in the U.S.

It’s called New York City.

In our case, we accidentally created a Sweden scenario, in that we took our medicine quickly, because:

1) New York locked down so late that they didn’t flatten anything,

2) they have the highest population density in the U.S. in NYC, and

3) the public health officials and Governors there made the bone-headed decision to send COVID-positive nursing home residents back to their nursing home, accelerating deaths of the most vulnerable.

What’s their death curve look like today?

In this case, I borrowed the graph from the NYC public health website:

the virus—like every virus in the history of mankind—is running out of people to infect.

The virus has a HIT of 10-20% and 70% of people are likely naturally immune. Hosts are in short supply!…”

What about deaths? (IFR refers to Infection Fatality Rate)

“…most studies provide IFR point estimates that are within a relatively narrow range. Seven of the 12 inferred IFRs are in the range 0.07 to 0.20…similar to IFR values of seasonal influenza. ..”

So…it’s just another flu!!!

To Your Joy, Energy and Health,

Matti Anttila

Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.

Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy

Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J

Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.

Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.




304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230


© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4

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Are All Vaccine Makers Convicted Felons? Mastery Newsletter July 7, 2020

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

That’s what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says in this wide-ranging interview.


Some points from that interview. Link at the end.


“…RFK Jr says he is not anti-vaccine. He has been fighting against mercury in fish for 37 years yet no one calls him anti-fish.


72 shots of vaccines are mandated in the US. Yet none of them have been safety tested.


The reason is they call vaccines “biologics” not medicines. Medicines have to be safety tested but not biologics.


The vaccine makers went to congress and said that they could not make vaccines safely. For every $1 they made they were losing $20 in lawsuits.


They told congress they would stop making vaccines unless they were released from any liability.


In other words, if people were injured or died from the vaccine, you cannot sue the vaccine maker.


Now RFK Jr. says the vaccine makers make $60 billion a year from vaccines and $500 billion a year from the drugs that are prescribed to address the conditions caused by the vaccines.


They have no testing…that saves $100 million minimum. And they have no liability.


RFK had 3 vaccines as a child. Now children get 72 shots of vaccines.


This law changed in 1986.


By 1989 we started seeing an epidemic of chronic childhood diseases.


Autism in RFK Jr’s generation is 1 in ten thousand. Now we have 1 in 34 kids with autism.


Food allergies went from 1 in 1200 to about 1 in 12 today.


It all started in 1989. That is the year they changed the vaccine schedule.


Also, the auto immune diseases…rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, juvenile diabetes.

420 diseases suddenly became epidemic in 1989.


All 420 diseases are on the vaccine manufacturers’ list of conditions caused by the vaccines. 


The reason they put them on the inserts is because the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) believes there is a high likelihood that the vaccine causes those diseases.



The only way the vaccine makers can be sued is if they knew the condition was caused by the vaccine and they did not list it.


They tell you in every other context it doesn’t happen, there’s no connection.


In the one context where they have to be honest, they are disclosing that.


The FDA and World Health Organization (WHO) get over 50% of they budget from pharmaceutical companies. FDA and NIH both have vaccine patents.


Congress has “been bought off.” Pharma lobby is the biggest lobby.


Pharma controls content on network news. Highest concentration of ads on network news is from Pharma companies.


Network news is not allowed to show any negative side effects of vaccines.


Now RFK Jr. is not allowed to print an editorial nor appear on TV.


He says they are working to discredit him putting him in a category of dangerous thoughts and people have to be protected from dangerous thoughts.


Every one of the companies making the  vaccines on the mandated schedule is a convicted felon. Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi, Glaxo.

They have all been sued successfully.


Over the past four years, those companies have paid over $35 million in criminal and civil penalties…


“…really sophisticated criminal activities at a very high level…for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans…


Merck killed between 120,000 and 500,000 Americans deliberately…knowingly.”


“…vaccinated kids are dying at a rate that is ten times higher than unvaccinated kids…”


Bill Gates is giving mercury vaccines to kids in Africa when the US has banned them because it is now that they cause brain damage.


About Dr. Fauci, RFK Jr. says Dr. Fauci was responsible for many deaths knowingly by delaying and eventually squashing publication of research that would have led to cures for HIV.


There is still a virus in vaccines that causes chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer.


The flu vaccine in less than 1% effective…according to the Chochrane Collaboration.


The chances of any COVID vaccine being effective are very, very slim.

COVID is much more complex than flu and mutates much faster than flu.


Kennedy says they have Fauci on tape saying you really have to be careful with a corona virus vaccine because you can actually make people sicker.


Study after study shows if you take the flu vaccine you are more likely to get a non flu infection. More likely to get a non target flu as well.


A Pentagon study from this year shows if you take the flu vaccine you are 36 times more likely to get a corona virus infection.


The CDC has published report of extensive studies showing that vaccines had almost nothing to do with the elimination of diseases in the first half of the 20th Century, despite the mythology.


What caused the reduction in disease is nutrition, sanitation and hygiene. –CDC conclusion.


“…show me a study that shows that vaccinated kids are healthier than unvaccinated kids.”


No one has done that study, even though Kennedy says it would be easy to do.


The CDC did do a study. They looked at kids who had the Hepatitis B vaccine in the first 30 days of life.


They found that the kids who were vaccinated had an 135% higher chance of being diagnosed with autism in 5 years than the kids who did not.


They had a secret meeting and conspired to keep the information from the American public.


They have successfully kept that information secret for 20 years now.


Kennedy said someone kept a transcript of that meeting and that is why he knows.


Re 5G: It is a system of data harvesting.


They are building a dystopian nightmare where they will know everything about us.


The Lockdown: For every 1% unemployment you get 37,000 deaths…this is back in 1982, so it’s probably 50,000 now.


They are projecting 35% unemployment.


Multiply 30 by 37 and you 1.1 million people are going to die. They die from heart attacks, from stress.


For every 1 point 3500 people will go to prison. 4,000 will go to mental institutions.


There’s really a concerted effort to terrorize us into being sheep so we give up out rights.



The Takeaways:


Vaccines are not tested for either efficacy no dangerous side effects.


Vaccine makers have no liability. They can not be sued for injuries or death.


Therefore, they have no motivation to make them safe or effective.


The mandated vaccine schedule was changed in 1989. In that year chronic childhood diseases exploded.


420 diseases suddenly became epidemic in 1989.


Vaccine makers claim there is no connection.


Except on the vaccine inserts. There they have to be honest.


All 420 diseases are listed as effects on the vaccines on the vaccine inserts.


Why? Because the FDA says those 420 diseases are likely effects of the vaccines.


AND the vaccine makers can be sued if they don’t disclose that information.


It is the only place where they are honest…”


The link may or may not work…depending…



To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


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Viruses are not something “you can catch.” Mastery Newsletter July 4, 2020

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

Viruses are not something “you can catch.”

That is according to Dr. Thomas Cowan.


Here are some points from his talk…

8-minute video link at end.



“Viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell.” -Rudolph Steiner


“…Diseases are poisoning…


The Spanish Flu was electromagnetic poisoning. The first radio waves…


The Second World War saw the introduction of radar…another “flu” ensued…


In 1968, the Hong Kong flu came from the satellites being put into the Van Allen Belt…


Within 6 months we had a new viral epidemic. Why Viral? Because the people are poisoned. They excrete toxins. They look like viruses. People think it is a flu epidemic…


Not able to demonstrate contagion…


Read all about it in THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW by Arthur Firstenberg.


There has been a dramatic and quantum leap in the last six months in the electrification of the earth….


20,000 radiation-emitting satellites circling the earth….5G…not compatible with health…


Guess where the first completely blanketed 5G city in the world was?

(audience):  Wuhan…


We are in an existential crisis here, folks, the likes of which humankind has never seen…


This is un-precedented…


Your susceptibility depends on how much metal you have in your body as well the quality of the water in your body…


If you inject aluminum into people they become receptors for absorbing increased electromagnetic fields and that is a perfect storm for the kind of deterioration of the species which is what we’re now experiencing…


“…in order to be human today, it is necessary to expend much stronger spiritual capacity than was necessary a century ago.” -Rudolph Steiner…in 1917…


(do whatever you can) to increase your spiritual capacity because it is really damn hard to be human today…




To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


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Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.                                                


Quick Solution to COVID-19? Mastery Newsletter July 1, 2020

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

The safe answer and quick solution to COVID 19?

This is from the organization that Linus Pauling founded (TWO TIME Nobel Prize winner):

“…Dr. Robert Cathcart advocated treating influenza with up to 150,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily, often intravenously. You and I can, to some extent, simulate a 24 hour IV of vitamin C by taking it by mouth very, very often.

When I had pneumonia, it took 2,000 mg of vitamin C every six minutes, by the clock, to get me to saturation.

My oral daily dose was over 100,000 mg.

Fever, cough and other symptoms were reduced in hours; complete recovery took just a few days.

That is performance at least as good as any pharmaceutical will give, and the vitamin is both safer and cheaper.

Many physicians consider high doses of vitamin C to be so powerful an antiviral that it may be ranked as a functional immunization for a variety influenza strains…

The coronavirus, in acute infections, may be expected to be just as susceptible to vitamin C as all of the other viruses against which it has been proven to be extremely effective.

There has never been a documented situation in which sufficiently high dosing with vitamin C has been unable to neutralize or kill any virus against which it has been tested.

Even the common cold is a coronavirus. A “new” opportunistic virus is a not a big surprise. History is full of them…

between nutrient-poor processed convenience foods, McNothing meals and TV news scare stories, we have the basic ingredients for an epidemic.

“Vaccines are being used as an ideological weapon. What you see every year as the flu is caused by 200 or 300 different agents with a vaccine against two of them. That is simply nonsense.” (Tom Jefferson, MD, epidemiologist)

Waiting for a vaccine?

“We have set up a situation where a fear is created, and then we try to create the treatment for this fear. The public gets the idea that the flu is going to kill them and the vaccine will save them. Neither is true.” (Marc Siegel, MD, author of False Alarm: The Truth About the Epidemic of Fear)

Nutritional supplements are not just a good idea. For fighting viruses, they are absolutely essential. “




To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2020 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


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Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.