The Discipline of Happiness. Mastery Newsletter June 5 2013
Dedicated to Health, Wealth and Fr~eedom
The Discipline of Happiness.
We are taught in many ways that happiness is something that we stumble onto, or have to work at getting as in “the pursuit of happiness” written into the American constitution.
We spend a lot of energy changing our circumstances with the aim of achieving the desired state of happiness.
But, what if our circumstances have little to do with our long term happiness?
What if happiness really is an “inside job?” What if we could be happy and joyous without making any changes to our environment at all?
What if happiness or joy is really dependent on a discipline?
I know it may seem counter-intuitive. We don’t tend to associate the effort of discipline with creating joy.
Sometimes it seems as if the world is conspiring to make us unhappy. Here’s an example: recently, we had a couple of very nice young ladies move in downstairs of our living space. Being young, they stay up later than I do and sometimes even party at all hours of the night and early morning.
Am I supposed to be happy in the wake of a number of continuous nights of disturbed sleep? Hmm.
Here I am the author of a book on joy (The Zen of Joy ) and I find myself getting upset. I just created 24 protocols for the book on how to be joyous regardless of what is going on in the world outside of my skin. Why am I feeling turmoil?
Do these protocols only work in ideal situations and not when I am overly tired? Oh, it’s easy to say I would be angry too if someone kept me up six nights in a row.
But what if?…..
What if the Universe is sending me a test to see how this stuff really works? To see if I really can let go of disturbances in my “energy field?” Even when I am overly tired and even when my “buttons” have been pushed.
When I gave up on the idea retirement as a way of life, I also stumbled on to the concept that we are actually meant to work harder as we grow older. That as we gain experience and skills over the decades, we will find the Universe providing harder and harder tests for us. Tests intended to show us how to let go more and more. To let go of expectations, even the “reasonable” expectation that we should be able to have a good night’s sleep. Whew, heavy thought.
You mean to say the “Promised Land” of retirement doesn’t exist? We don’t actually get to “take it easy” when we get older?
Other cultures value their elders and look to them for guidance. Not so much in our western society. Perhaps it is time to change that.
What can we “older types” do?
I suggest my learning is this: we learn how to set an example by what we do, not what we say.
That we show tolerance, kindness, compassion and yes, love to those who unthinkingly create disturbances for us.
A tall challenge? Yes.
The actor Sylvester Stallone expressed surprise that at age 55, life had not become any easier. I think we need to accept that it is not going to happen.
As motivational author and speaker Jim Rohn said: “We will either have the pain of discipline or the pain of disappointment (or words to that effect).
I choose discipline, the discipline of happiness and joy. I choose working on my “internal architecture” to feel that joy…regardless of what is going on outside of me. Yes, it does at times seem impossible.
The good news is it must be do-able. It may be hard work, but “Hard work never killed a healthy man” said Dr. Paul Dudley White, the doctor to President Eisenhower.
So we get to choose. Discipline ourselves to be happy or be tossed around from happiness to misery by the winds of change.
We have freedom of choice. Which will you choose?
Love and Laughter,
Enjoy the rest of the read,
In this issue:
Marathons: A Barbaric Practice
Government confiscation of private bank accounts to happen here, too.
The truth about Tesla?
►FUN Steamy Facts About Climax
►FINAL WORD: 5 ways money can buy happiness
Anything in life that we don’t accept will simply make trouble for us until we make peace with it.” -Shakti Gawain
Marathons: A Barbaric Practice
Another one dies. When are they finally going to ban this barbarous relic from Greek times to the dustbin of history? Don’t hold your breath. Everyone is hypnotized. Research shows this type of exercise weakens muscles and the heart.
Government confiscation of private bank accounts to happen here, too. – Ron Paul and Jim Rogers
The truth about Tesla?
Commitment Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love. I think this is better book.
Argo The story of how 6 American diplomats were safely transported out of Iran during the hostage crisis.
Inaccuracies, but compelling nonetheless.
Steamy Facts About Climax
5 ways money can buy happiness
That’s it for now. Enjoy your month.
The Inner Circle
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It is “ad hoc,” meaning it arrives in your inbox whenever I run across something, that could be once every 2 or 3 weeks. It might also be a few times in a single day. As always, simple to unsubscribe if it gets to be too much.
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Publisher Matti Anttila © Copyright 2013 Matti Anttila, 110-174 Wilson Street, Victoria, B.C. Canada V9A7N7
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