DO NOT EAT PLASTIC Mastery Newsletter November 15, 2024
Mastery Newsletter November 15, 2024
No one would eat plastic knowingly.
But are you taking in plastic without knowing it?
There are some obvious ones: plastic water bottles left in the sun leaches plastic into your drinking water is an example.
Another not so obvious: tea bags that contain plastic. Seeps plastic into your tea.
The not so obvious: plastic fats, otherwise known as trans fats or partially hydrogenated fats.
Dr. Jerry Tennant in his book “Healing is Voltage” estimates that 40% of the food in your pantry likely contains these dangerous fats.
So how dangerous are they? And how are they dangerous?
Our cells need nutrition delivered to them. You are not what you eat, but what you ASSIMILATE.
You can eat all the best, freshest, organic, blessed by rabbis food. But if the nutrition does not make it inside the cell…well, basically all is lost.
And that is what trans fats do: stop the nutrition from food from entering the cells.
Over time, these trans fats, these plastic fats coat the outside of the cell.
Dr. Tennant it takes about ten years for any symptoms to show up.
But how up they do. It is like wrapping the cell in cellophane. Nothing can get in.
The cell sends out signals: I’m hungry. The body sends insulin and glucose. Which can’t get through the plastic wrap.
The cell membrane becomes so saturated with glucose it offloads it into fat cells.
Thus people who continue to eat plastic fats get fatter and fatter.
I recently saw a Facebook post of a beach scene from the 70s with dozens of people. Not a single overweight person, never mind fat or obese.
Things have changed as folks are unknowingly eating plastic fats since then.
Now there is a world wide epidemic of obesity. Not just overweight…obesity.
This goes back to the 1920s when food merchants were concerned about spoilage. They found if they put certain chemicals in the food, it would last longer.
That saved them money. You and I paid the cost as our cells stopped working.
Dr. Tennant says cells that don’t work are what we call “disease.”
Another type of plastic fat is canola oil. It damages the heart muscle. It causes liver damage. That prevents the liver from detoxifying harmful things from the body.
Eating plastic fats also makes a brain that can’t control the endocrine system. Result? Your thyroid, adrenals, pancreas and gonads malfunction.
What is the solution?
Stop eating trans fats and eat more good fats. Dr. Tennant says that causes you to become your normal weight.
Then we need to ensure we are getting good fats.
How much?
Well, our human bodies are about 20-25% fat, so…
We need to eat about 20 to 25% of our normal body weight in fat every eight months.
Why eight months?
Because your body totally replaces itself every eight months.
High quality fats are the ones made in nature. Butter, coconut oil, animal fats. Also eggs, avocados, nuts and seeds contain high quality fats.
This is, of course, only part of the equation. We need amino acids that make up protein. Meat and seafood are sources.
Dr. Tennant recommends our carbs come mostly from vegetables and fruit. Not candy bars. Nor protein bars. I am told they can list gluten as a protein in a protein bar.
Another part of the story is that the liver needs to be functioning to produce bile. The bile is stored in the gall bladder. If you are not producing enough bile, you can’t digest fats.
The secret is to take a bile supplement with each meal until the liver is repaired enough to make bile normally. Ox Bile is available at many health food stores.
In this modern world, there are many land mines that are blowing up our digestive and other systems.
It behooves us to undertake the study of our systems and what makes them tick.
There are really two choices here. Do what everyone else is doing and get the same result.
We have not just an obesity epidemic. We also have cancer, heart disease and diabetes increasing at an alarming rate.
That is what come with choice number one.
Choice number two is a systematic study of health.
Because the devil is in the details we need more than a surface knowledge.
As Dr. Tennant points out, much of the common “wisdom” is flat out wrong.
His book is a great place to dive in and get a fuller picture of our health.
May you become healthier every day.
In Joy and Love
Matti Anttila Easy Stress Release Coach.
Author of “The Zen of Joy”
Chronic stress is the number one killer: because it lowers immunity, making us more susceptible to dis-ease.
This is especially a problem for seniors. I help seniors release that stress, resulting in more energy and joy.
This can lead to better health and more fulfillment and meaning in life.
To receive “108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health” free:
P.S. I am also a Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher.
Do your own research. Do not trust mine.
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#304 – 2223 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada V8R 0A4.
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Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.