How to Find Your Passionate Work
This is the protocol I used to decide on a career. It works like a charm and you won't need any expensive courses or seminars. This takes care of it all. Ready?
1) Brainstorm….that means no allow no restriction to enter while you do this. Write out everything, but EVERYTHING you like and/or love to do. Do not try to connect it to making money or to anything else. Just write down EVERYTHING you like to do…in any order…just write and don't stop, keep going until you have written down absolutely everything you like or love to do. Don’t take the pen off the page or your fingers off the keyboard. Just keep writing until it is ALL down.
2) Now (and only now) prioritize them, giving them numbers from 1 to 20 or whatever.
3) Take #1 and brainstorm what you could do to make money from the thing love most to do. List at least 20! Again, this is brainstorming. The definition of brainstorming is that there are no wrong ideas. If it sound silly or impractical or both, it doesn’t matter. Just keep writing and put down everything that comes to mind. Do not allow your inner censor into the game at this point. There will be time for that later. One crazy and nuts idea might lead to another one and another one and it may lead to light bulb idea or a connection of ideas put together that may be JUST the ticket.
4) Take #2 and do the same, and
5) Do the same for #3.
You now have 60 things you can do to make money from stuff you love to do. Brainstorming means TURNING OFF the inner voice that interjects things like…"Oh but you can't do THAT" BE TOTALLY FREE whilst listing each list of 20.
When I did this decades ago, I couldn't find anything I really wanted to do from my list of 20 for the thing I liked most to do (sex), so I went to #2 (making money) and that, boys and girls, is the true story of how I had a 15 year career as a financial planner…and quite a ride is was too.
Let me know how it goes.
Enjoy the read,
In this issue:
► 4 Powerful & Extensive Natural Reference Websites
► Don't Let The Wrong Food Rob Your Brain And Muscle Power
► Modern wheat a "perfect, chronic poison," doctor says
► Island with Healthiest People Over 99 Offers Secrets of Longevity
► Five Best Healthy Foods For Lowering Your Stress Levels Fast
► Can basic math skills make you rich?
► The Eight Secrets of Success, From 500 Successful People
► 10 things you didn't know about orgasm
"Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential." -Sir Winston Churchill
1874-1965, Former British Prime Minister
4 Powerful & Extensive Natural Reference Websites
Don't Let The Wrong Food Rob Your Brain And Muscle Power
Excellent no cost food program from Dr. Mercola
Modern wheat a "perfect, chronic poison," doctor says
Health Benefits of Coffee
Island with Healthiest People Over 99 Offers Secrets of Longevity
Five Best Healthy Foods For Lowering Your Stress Levels Fast
Can basic math skills make you rich?
The Eight Secrets of Success, From 500 Successful People
Brain Power: “Brain Power is a blueprint to optimize your brain and improve the rest of your life. It is never too late to develop a great brain. But NOW would be a good time to start.” -Daniel Amen, MD, Author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Body and Medical Director, Amen Clinics, Inc.
Buck a richly textured and visually stunning film, follows Brannaman from his abusive childhood to his phenomenally successful approach to horses. Here is the true “Horse Whisperer.”
10 things you didn't know about orgasm
Quick “heads up” re the Mastery Newsletter: It seems as if something else wants to be born. As much fun as this letter is to write, the direction I am being led is giving me hints that Mastery Newsletter may soon be morphing into something else…and I am sure something far superior. Stay tuned.
That’s it for now. Enjoy your month.
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