In this issue:
* The single most important nutrient for mental health
* Violent crime and leaded gasoline: An elemental link?
* Education not quite what it used to be.
* Laughing to the Future
►FUN: * Imagine Living For 122 Years And 164 Days
►FINAL WORD: * Should Babies Nap In Sub-Zero Temperatures?
PLUS: Special Article: Ten Facts About Cannabis
“The whole secret to existence is to have no fear.” –Buddha
The single most important nutrient for mental health
Violent crime and leaded gasoline: An elemental link?
Great CBC interview. The best thing we ever did to fight violent crime? Get rid of lead in gasoline??!?!?! What? Listen>
For twenty years, people have been arguing over what produced a global drop in violent crime through the 1990s and early 2000s. Some thought poverty-reduction and education. Others said better policing or more jails. But now one writer says the key factor was the rise and fall of leaded gasoline. We find out why more and more researchers think the switch to unleaded gasoline was the best thing we ever did to fight violent crime.
Education not quite what it used to be. Hundreds of thousands of Master’s degree holders, PhDs on food stamps
Laughing to the Future – Hugh McClelland TEDx Penticton 2012
A New Earth –Eckhart Tolle
The Artist
Imagine living for 122 years and 164 days: Jeanne Calment lived for 44724 days and she had the longest confirmed human life span ever. She also shared the secrets behind her long life … She said she ate a kilo 2.2 lbs of chocolate per week for her entire life!!
Should babies nap in sub-zero temperatures? Nordic parents think so Ensuring babies as young a few months old get a daily dose of fresh air, even in freezing temperatures, is a cultural norm passed on for generations in Scandinavia.
Special Article: Ten Facts About Cannabis
By Matty Harton
Over the past few months, I have had many people approach me with claims regarding cannabis and its “health issues”. I would like to dispel these myths.
Fact One.
Cannabis Use Has Never Killed Anyone.
Unlike tobacco, petro chemicals, and various other inhalants, cannabis contains no toxicities, no substances proven to be damaging to the human body. In a recorded 5000 years of use, cannabis has never killed anyone.
“There is no record in the extensive medical literature describing a proven, documented cannabis-induced fatality, despite a long history of use and the extraordinarily high numbers of social smokers.” Medical_cannabis#Safety_of_cann abis
Fact Two.
Cannabis Is Not A Gateway Drug.
After many government funded claims that cannabis is a doorway to harmful substances, the opposite is now proven true. Alcohol and tobacco are both legal and easy to obtain. They are also extremely addictive and health damaging, which is a direct influence towards hard substances. Cannabis has recently been trialled as an excellent “exit substance” helping addicts to leave their routines of substance abuse.
“Researchers reported that subjects frequently substituted cannabis for other substances, including conventional pharmaceuticals. Authors reported: Over 41 percent state that they use cannabis as a substitute for alcohol.” marijuana-exit-drug-study-sugge sts-some-are-taking-it-substit ute-prescription-drugs-and
Fact Three.
Cannabis Is Not Chemically Addictive.
Anyone can build up an unhealthy habit of using anything. This includes eating, sleeping, watching television etc. This does not mean that the activity itself is addictive, it simply means that the user has built up a recurrent habit. Tobacco contains a chemical called nicotine, which is highly addictive. Cannabis does not contain one single addictive substance, and has been proven to have less habit forming qualities than sex, fatty foods, aspirin, coffee, and many other everyday items and activities. This wrong information is interpreted by those observing users smoking cannabis out of boredom.
“Because cannabis did not lead to physical dependence, it was found to be superior to the opiates for a number of therapeutic purposes. Birch, in 1889, reported success in treating opiate and chloral addiction with cannabis, and Mattison in 1891 recommended its use to the young physician, comparing it favourably with the opiates.”
http:// patients4medicalmarijuana.wordp marijuana-therapy-to-treat-drug -addiction/
Fact Four.
Cannabis Does Not Damage The Brain.
The original claims that cannabis killed brain cells came from an examination involving a group of monkeys receiving cannabis smoke through gas masks. These monkeys died from brain damage, which was associated with the cannabis smoke, with no scientific evidence to back these claims. This was later proven to be down to the lack of oxygen, resulting in cell death. The substances within cannabis have been in actual fact, proven to have the capability to aid cell growth within the brain, and are well documented as neuroprotective, meaning that cannabis actively protects the brain.
“Experiments on rats given a potent cannabinoid have shown the drug stimulates the growth of new brain cells. Canadian researchers found that the drug caused neurons to regenerate in the hippocampus, an area that controls mood and emotions, after one month of treatment.” life-style/health-and-families/ health-news/ highdose-cannabis-stimulates-gr owth-of-brain-cells-in-rats-51 0869.html
Fact Five.
Cannabis Does Not Cause Lung Cancer.
Cannabis was thought to have lung associated health risks because of the direct risks associated with smoking tobacco. Dr. Donald Tashkin was given the task of observing both users and none users, and the effects of cannabis on the lungs. What he, and many others have found, is that those who smoke cannabis halved their risk of lung cancer to what it would have been had they smoked tobacco alone. He also found that cannabis protected the lungs slightly more than the protection of a none smoker, meaning that cannabis does indeed protect the lungs. Cannabis is an excellent chest expectorant, irritating the lining of the lungs, allowing the user to cough up any tar associated with tobacco smoking.
“The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer.” “We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use,” he said. “What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect.” wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/ 25/AR2006052501729.html
Fact Six.
Cannabis Does Not Cause Schizophrenia.
Cannabis has been proven to aid the symptoms of various mental and neurological conditions such as anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, autism, parkinsons disease, and even epilepsy. Cannabis has also been proven to stave off degenerative brain disorders such as alzheimers disease. The reason many think that cannabis causes schizophrenia, is because so many schizophrenia patients use the plant to relax their symptoms. This could in turn (if they are using a heavily psychoactive strain) aggravate one or two other symptoms, which is why so many dispensaries specialise in none psychoactive strains of cannabis.
“Marijuana saved my life!!! I was given every antidepressant and anti psychotic that there is and had terrible adverse reactions to all of them. Of course my doctors did not believe me at first, but as time went on they could see that it was true. Thank God for blessing me with the best doctors in the world, because they did really listen to me.”
http:// patients4medicalmarijuana.wordp control-and-comfort-of-mental-i llness-with-marijuana/
Fact Seven.
Cannabis Is Not Illegal Due To Health Risks.
Before being made illegal, cannabis was a well respected plant. It had incredible potential within the medical and pharmaceutical industry. There were over 100 articles dedicated to the medical benefits of cannabis, and cannabis, then known as Indian hemp, was within most medications, and classed as psychologically safe. Hemp had also been classed as the number one cash crop with over 50,000 industrial uses. Hemp could create biodegradable fuel, resins and oils, lubricants, paints, varnishes, plastics, wood, it could even create concrete (hempcrete). After this explosion of interest, cannabis was swiftly made illegal at the advent of big investors and pharmaceutical companies, whom the plant would have affected financially. There are many theories, but the general facts remain the same. Cannabis, after 5000 years of medical use, was made illegal and deemed unsafe in order to protect pharmaceutical and industrial investors. Over time, with the release of the film “Reefer Madness” and much sexist and racist accusations of the plants use, many members of the public, including the medically trained, still to this day believe that cannabis is dangerous, when in reality, there is no existing evidence to suggest this is so.
“Many people assume that marijuana was made illegal through some kind of process involving scientific, medical, and government hearings; that it was to protect the citizens from what was determined to be a dangerous drug. The actual story shows a much different picture. Those who voted on the legal fate of this plant never had the facts, but were dependent on information supplied by those who had a specific agenda to deceive lawmakers. You’ll see below that the very first federal vote to prohibit marijuana was based entirely on a documented lie on the floor of the Senate.” articles/ why-is-marijuana-illegal/
Fact Eight.
Cannabis Can Indeed Successfully Treat Cancer.
Many people when they hear this, imagine a chemotherapy patient smoking cannabis to relieve the treatments effects, this is true, but this is not what I am talking about. The active components within cannabis have been proven to combat cancer in numerous ways. Thus far, thousands of people whom have concentrated cannabis into oil form, have successfully treated their cancer, sending the disease into remission. This is becoming increasingly well known, but it is not as simple as smoking cannabis. When the plant is strained of its chemicals (cannabinoids), and slightly heated to decarboxilate these active substances, these cannabinoids can be concentrated into various types of extracts, most commonly cannabis oils (not hemp seed oil). This has a large success rate with a great deal of investigation currently underway. This technique does not have the side effects of chemotherapy, and also has a similar effect to Dr. Burynski’s cancer fighting “antineoplastons.”
“Many scientific studies have reported that various cannabinoids (both natural and synthetic) exert a wide range of growth-inhibiting effects on cancer cells, including:
– Triggering cell death, through a mechanism called apoptosis.
– Stopping cells from dividing.
– Preventing new blood vessels from growing into tumours –a process termed angiogenesis.
– Reducing the chances of cancer cells to metastasize through the body, by stopping cells from moving or invading neighbouring tissue.
– Speeding up the cell’s internal ‘waste disposal machine’ –a process known as autophagy – which can lead to cell death.” index.php?tpl=faq&red=faqlist&i d=274&lng=en
Fact Nine.
Cannabis Could Aid World Poverty.
Cannabis can be grown in a variety of ways, in almost all conditions. It can be grown indoors or outdoors, specifically in tropical countries. Cannabis seeds are the most nutritious source of protein on earth, and contain a variety of natural omegas. The plant can be juiced wet, made into various extracts and medibles such as canna-butter, which allows all of the goodness without the high effect. It has been argued that a community could live off industrial hemp and medical cannabis. This one plant could provide effective medicine, as well as vast material uses. The cultivation of hemp could provide work and trade, and the communities could provide themselves with housing, with very little help. Cannabis is also anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti spasmodic, anti depressant, and could be used to prevent and to treat a variety of the common ailments third world communities suffer with. The money it would take to end world hunger is roughly what the world military spends in eight days, there will always be poverty, but most could easily be aided.
“The inside of the hemp seed, also known as the hempnut, is rich in both protein and oil. And the oil is one of the richest sources of essential fatty acids (EFAs). You may choose to eat the entire seed, or only the hempnut, or to press the oil out of the seed and use the oil and the meal (the rest) separately. Hemp is a great source of protein. Although it does not have as much protein as soy, the spectrum of amino acids in it makes it a more digestible source of vegetable protein. As well, hemp is not genetically modified, unlike most soy. Hemp oil is equally remarkable. It contains approximately 56% Omega 6 or Linoleic Acid (LA), 20% Omega 3 or Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) and 3% gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Hemp is one of only two plants known to contain all three of these vital nutrients.” greenshopping/hempr.htm
Fact Ten.
Cannabis Would Aid Communities And The Economy.
Due to the obvious losses inherited by pharmaceutical industries, many believe cannabis would damage the economy. I ask you, as a community, what do we want for our economy? Safe medicine, safe food, healthy people, economic trade, increased job availability, decreased crime, these are all factors that could be so if cannabis were legal. If cannabis dispensaries were set up specifically for patient via the NHS, if recreational cannabis was taxed and sold, if individuals were allowed to obtain and use cannabis without trouble from the law, our community would be much safer. The reason cannabis works as a medicine, is because our bodies naturally create very similar hormones to the plants cannbinoids, in order to regulate our bodies and our cells. When these “endogenous cannabinoids” fall off balance, we become prone to disease. The only substance on earth which contains these cannabinoids is cannabis, and by keeping the plant illegal, we actively encourage endo-cannabinoid deficiency, which scientifically is the route of all disease. Cannabis is a natural nutrient, and with such knowledge of cannabis ability to save the poor and the ill, keeping this plant illegal is outright genocide.
“The recent identification of cannabinoid receptors and their endogenous lipid ligands has triggered an exponential growth of studies exploring the endocannabinoid system and its regulatory functions in health and disease. Such studies have been greatly facilitated by the introduction of selective cannabinoid receptor antagonists and inhibitors of endocannabinoid metabolism and transport, as well as mice deficient in cannabinoid receptors or the endocannabinoid-degrading enzyme fatty acid amidohydrolase.” pmc/articles/PMC2241751/
That’s it for now. Enjoy your month.
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