Archive for April, 2015

6 Reasons to Drink Coffee Before Your Workout. Mastery Newsletter. April 22, 2015

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

6 Reasons to Drink Coffee Before Your Workout


Disclosure: I don’t do this. Mostly because I am not a coffee drinker. I enjoy a cup very occasionally and don’t feel the need to do this prior to a workout. If, however, you ARE a coffee drinker, this article may be valuable for you.





“Give your troubles to God. When you worry, it is your funeral, all arranged by yourself. You don’t want to be buried alive by your anxieties. Why suffer and die every day from worry? No matter what you may go through–poverty, sorrow, ill health–remember that somebody on earth is suffering a hundred more times than you are. Do not consider yourself so unfortunate, for thus you defeat yourself, and close out the omnipotent light of God that is ever seeking to help you.”


~ Paramahansa Yogananda




The Single Most Important Habit to Acquire (Also no-cost Mastery Newsletter)




108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health, includes How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy (No-cost)




Matti Anttila, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. Zen of Joy Consultant and Author of: The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.


How Joyous are You? Free Zen of Joy Questionnaire. Click here:










You are important. Not just important, but just as important as any person on the planet, now, in past history or in the future. Everything you say, do and feel has an impact on the universe and everything and everyone in it.





Publisher Matti Anttila © Copyright 2015 Matti Anttila, 110-174 Wilson Street, Victoria, B.C. Canada V9A7N7


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


Privacy statement: I take your privacy seriously and do not distribute your information to anyone.


Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.

MORE Flexible as we Age? Is it possible? Mastery Newsletter April 15, 2015

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

Dedicated to Health, Wealth and Fr~eedom

MORE Flexible as we Age? Is it possible?


What if “Old Age” had little to do with the number of years we have accumulated?


You have noticed how physically flexible babies are, I am sure.


You may remember seeing a baby sticking its toes into its mouth…easily, effortlessly and without strain.


Why can’t adults do that? What happens between babyhood and adulthood?


Some yogis can bend themselves into all kinds of pretzel-like shapres, despite advanced age. What is the difference between them and us?


Could it be the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” as Shakespeare so eloquently put it?


Could it be just that, the traumas, little and large, that populate our timelines?


Could it be that when we don’t release a physical trauma that it creates a physical tension in the musculature?


Is that why a yogi can bend so easily, because they are continually releasing those traumas, those tensions?


Trauma researcher David Berceli tells us we can trace many physical ailments, dis-eases and indeed actual diseases to the stresses caused by trauma.


Berceli also tells us we all have trauma in our lives.


Further, tells us:


“Ongoing, chronic stress…can cause or exacerbate many serious health problems, (bolding and underlining are mine) including:


Mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and personality disorders


Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, heart attacks, and stroke…


Gastrointestinal problems, such as GERD, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, and irritable colon”






Berceli’s Revolutionary Trauma Release Process™ is one. I use it regularly.


Laughter Yoga is another. I apply it daily. 10-15 minutes daily goes a long way to help release what I call the “trauma onion.” That is to say, layers and layers of trauma we may have accumulated over a lifetime.


Meditation. Applied daily.


The Zen of Joy protocols. This is a manual I created to make it easier to rewire our brains for happiness and success. And to do it in only minutes a day. Check here:


At the least, you can plug into the Seven Step Zen of Joy Coaching.


It won’t cost you anything and it will give you a taste of joy, happiness, success and fun.


Love, Laughter and Smiles









The Single Most Important Habit to Acquire (Also no-cost Mastery Newsletter)




108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health, includes How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy (No-cost)




Matti Anttila, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. Zen of Joy Consultant and Author of: The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.


How Joyous are You? Free Zen of Joy Questionnaire. Click here:










You are important. Not just important, but just as important as any person on the planet, now, in past history or in the future. Everything you say, do and feel has an impact on the universe and everything and everyone in it.





Publisher Matti Anttila © Copyright 2015 Matti Anttila, 110-174 Wilson Street, Victoria, B.C. Canada V9A7N7


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


Privacy statement: I take your privacy seriously and do not distribute your information to anyone.


Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.

Claiming Your Joy Workshop Produces Results. Matti’s Neat Stuff Victoria Newsletter April 3, 2015

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health

Claiming Your Joy Workshop Produces Results.


Dedicated to rooting out neat stuff in Greater Victoria.

Wow…what a Sunday afternoon we had with the “Claiming Your Joy Workshop.” (


12 of us spent 3 hours. We started with a Laughter Yoga session, followed by the Revolutionary Trauma Release Process™ created by David Berceli. We ended with some Zen of Joy and Heart Math exercises.


Soren was the first to give feedback. He continued doing it and the very next session proved to be very powerful. He shared with me that it was the most vibrant energy he has ever felt.


At our Wednesday Laughter Yoga session, Soren also commented that he was now able to sit in a cross legged position, something he has not been able to do until now. And the only thing he has been doing differently is the Trauma Release exercises.


Peter also gave me feedback that his work relationships have improved as a result of one of the Zen of Joy Protocols.


I hope to organize another one soon. Stay tuned.



Laughter Yoga Leader Training and Zen of Joy Boot Camp Dates: April 11 and 12, 2015




Laughter Yoga Moves Back Outdoors on Sunday


Many thanks go out to Sunrise Senior Centre, the staff and residents who participated in our winter indoor sessions there.


This Sunday we are back at the sundial in the centre of Beacon Hill Park at 10:30am for Spring and Summer. Hope to see you there…rain or shine! Barefoot is an option.


Remember the Monday session also with Gene and the Wednesday sessions with Soren and Matti




World Laughter Day Celebrates 20 Years of Laughter Yoga Worldwide


Here is the draft of the News Release I am working on:


Contact: Matti Anttila, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher 250-477-8608



Victoria, BC. Local Laughter Club Celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Laughter Yoga


The first Sunday of May every year, more than 7,000 Laughter Yoga Clubs worldwide celebrate “World Laughter Day” with special Laughter Yoga sessions.


Laughter Yoga is the brainchild of a medical doctor in India. Dr. Madan Kataria was writing a paper called “Laughter is the Best Medicine.”


When he found a vast amount of research on the health benefits of laughter, he decided it was time to prescribe laughter. He and his wife, yoga instructor Madhuri Kataria, started the first Laughter Club in a Mumbai park with 5 people.


In the last two decades, Laughter Yoga, as it is now called, has grown to thousands of clubs around the world in over 80 countries. These clubs meet regularly to “laugh for no reason.”


Local Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher Matti Anttila says the many benefits of laughter include stress reduction, improved circulation and a more efficient immune system.















But, “Many of our local laughers have found Laughter Yoga to be a life changing experience. Personally, I have found myself being able to let go of stress more easily. An example is when I get cut off in traffic. I used to fume inside. Now, as soon as I start to have a reaction like that, I remember to laugh or at least chuckle. As a result, I am a more relaxed driver now and actually enjoy driving a lot more. In fact, I enjoy just about everything more these days.”


With stress having been shown as one of the leading contributors to ill health, maybe these crazy laughers are on to something. They claim laughter is the number one stress buster.


They also claim that just laughing at jokes often doesn’t give the real and proven medical benefits that laughter can bestow. Apparently, we need to laugh for an extended period of ten to fifteen minutes for the “feel-good” hormones such as the endorphins to kick in.


That should be no problem this Sunday as the World Laughter Day event is scheduled to be one hour from 10:30am by the sundial in Beacon Hill Park. A second session will be held in Windsor Park in Oak Bay at 1:30pm







Background information:


The benefits of laughter have been known instinctively for a long time. It’s only in recent decades that actual scientific research has proven the old adage “Laughter is the best medicine.” Dr. Kataria, who founded the first Laughter Yoga club with 5 participants in a park in India in 1995, read about how Norman Cousins laughed himself back to health from a debilitating disease.


His subsequent research for a medical article on laughter lead him to a large body of scientific studies validating the health benefits of laughter. Laughter Yoga has since grown to over 7,000 clubs in 80 countries.                












Some of the benefits noted:



* Efficient Exercise -Dr. W. Fry in Journal of General Psychology, 1938


* Tap “The Inner Spirit of Laughter.” (Founder Dr. Madan Kataria says Laughter Yoga principles can provide a powerful life changing experience.)


* Conquer stress (Laughter Yoga participants report feelings of relaxation while still feeling energized following a session.)


* Improve circulation (Any exercise can do that, but even fit participants find they may have to pace themselves because of the aerobic aspect of Laughter Yoga. Regardless, those with physical challenges find they still receive many benefits.)


* Slow the Aging Process By re-discovering “child like play,” participants find many cares and woes dropping away, or at least retreating into the background for a time. This has helped many to retain youthfulness and a youthful attitude.


* Boost Imnunity Both the laughter itself and the deep breathing techniques from yoga help to release the “feel good” hormone endorphin into the brain. Endorphins have been shown to increase the immune function.


* Assist in Clearer Thinking More oxygen to the brain helps to clear up “fuzzy brain.”


* Help Fight Cancer Dr. Otto Warburg, President, Institute of Cell Physiology, Nobel Prize Winner (twice) says: “Deep breathing techniques increase oxygen to the cells and are the most important factors in living a disease-free and energetic life. When cells get enough oxygen, cancer will not and cannot occur.” (My bolding)        







Please make a mark on your calendar now and come and help us celebrate the joy of 20 years of Laughter Yoga Clubs.




If you have an event you want me to include, see the submission guidelines at the bottom


“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature nor do the children of man as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”

Helen Keller
1880-1968, Blind/Deaf Author and Lecturer



Love and Laughter,


Matti Anttila, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. Zen of Joy Consultant and Author of:


* The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.


* 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health.   (No cost…yay!)



The Single Most Important Habit to Acquire


(Also no-cost Mastery Newsletter)






☼ No matter how happy or unhappy you are, you can feel “Authentic Joy” within minutes of accessing this video: Complimentary email course included: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health.




Submission Guidelines for Matti’s Monthly Victoria Newsletter.


Your submission will only make it into the newsletter if I can copy and paste. If not, it just won’t make it in. Thanks for your understanding.


Deadline is the Wednesday prior to the first Thursday of each month to be included in the monthly letter scheduled to be written on Thursday each month.



Dated & General items formatting, word limits, etc. No attachments: Posters, etc. just this: Links to websites are fine and great.



Copy, copy, copy, (Maximum 100 words) copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy, copy,

Submitted by: Full Name






Laughter as Trauma Release. Mastery Newsletter April 1, 2015

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

Laughter as Trauma Release


Trauma is something we all have experienced. It affects our everyday lives in various way.


David Berceli, author of The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process™, says: “Consider the fact that life begins traumatically…Bursting into the light for the first time in our existence, our entry into the world is a shock to the human organism…it’s no wonder we begin life by bellowing our lungs out…



…our culture presents us with considerable psycho-emotional trauma—the kind of trauma caused primarily by social conditioning. Situations that threaten our social self such as rejection, shame, fear of failure, and negative judgment by others cause us to react in the same manner as if we were being threatened physically.”


How Illness Results From Trauma


Berceli continues: “There is now evidence that even excess stress, let alone severe trauma, is a factor in a variety of illnesses. These include anxiety disorders, depression, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal troubles, some cancers, and premature aging…


…frequency and severity of migraine headaches, episodes of asthma, and fluctuation of blood sugar in diabetics…more prone to develop colds and other infections than those who are less stressed. This is because stress reduces the efficiency of our immune system, which would normally fight off infection.”


Can Laughter Release Trauma, Tension and Stress?


If you were with me when I started Laughter Yoga during the spring of 2009, you would have been laughing for an hour every Saturday morning and having a great old time.


Angry the Next Day


What you would not have witnessed was me being angry all the next day.


I asked the founder of Laughter Yoga, Dr. Madan Kataria about this. He told me that, in India when a family experiences death of a loved one, they express the emotion of grief by crying and wailing and letting it all out.


We Westeners Hold on to Emotions Rather Than Expressing Them


We tend not to do that in our western society. We hold it in. And where we hold it in is the diaphragm.


In Laughter Yoga sessions, we laugh and move that diaphragm rather dramatically for the better part of an hour.


Trapped Emotions Shaken Loose.


That is what experienced on those Sundays. Emotions that had been trapped for who knows how many years, perhaps decades.


Eventually the Anger No Longer Visited.


The good news is they did shake loose and after some weeks, I was no longer angry the next day.


The better news is I didn’t have to go do therapy sessions or even know what caused the trauma/tension/stress in the first place.


All I Had to do Was Laugh.


The wisdom of my body to know what to do took care of the rest.


The Challenge? Keeping Going.


Trauma and stress can be layered deeply over a lifetime of incidents large and small. When one layer is released, another more deeply embedded layer comes to the surface.



Just Keep Laughing. Trust the Wisdom of Your Body.


Your body knows. No diploma needed. Just keep laughing regularly. Trust that the next layer whatever it is, will release at the proper time and in the most appropriate way.


Other Ways to Release.


Berceli’s Revolutionary Trauma Release Process™ is a particularly powerful way to release.


We must not forget dancing, singing, smiling and a host of other ways.


Trust Your Instincts.


That’s the bottom line. A good place to start is a Laughter Yoga Club. Laughter Yoga, as well as being fun, social and energizing, also helps us to open up to receiving messages from our intuition.


Over to you.


Love, Laughter and Smiles.




Also in this issue:


95-Year-old Smashes 200m World Record: ‘Bodies Can be Rebuilt at Any Age’


Bank of Canada, Finance Minister, and Others Face Lawsuit for Alleged IMF Conspiracy



Nine Veils of Human Slavery


8 Places for Thrifty Bookworms to Download Free E-Books










“I was irrevocably betrothed to laughter, the sound of which has always seemed to me to be the most civilized music in the world.” ~ Peter Ustinov





95-Year-old Smashes 200m World Record: ‘Bodies Can be Rebuilt at Any Age’ He calls retirement a “health catastrophe”




Bank of Canada, Finance Minister, and Others Face Lawsuit for Alleged IMF Conspiracy





Nine Veils of Human Slavery





The Power of the Heart -Baptist de Pape





Jersey Boys The story of four young men from the wrong side of the tracks in New Jersey who came together to form the iconic 1960s rock group The Four Seasons.





“Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.” ~ W. H. Auden




8 Places for Thrifty Bookworms to Download Free E-Books




That’s it for now. Enjoy your month.


Matti Anttila, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher.

Author of: The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success. 

(Free Zen of Joy Questionnaire)


Publisher of Mastery Newsletter. Free Special Reports when you subscribe (at no cost):

The Single Most Important Habit to Acquire (And others)


Publisher of:

108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health, includes How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy (No-cost)






110-174 Wilson Street, Victoria, BC, Canada, V9A 7N7.



You are important. Not just important, but just as important as any person on the planet, now, in past history or in the future. Everything you say, do and feel has an impact on the universe and everything and everyone in it.  




Publisher Matti Anttila © Copyright 2015 Matti Anttila, 110-174 Wilson Street, Victoria, B.C. Canada V9A7N7


Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


Privacy statement: I take your privacy seriously and do not distribute your information to anyone.