Life will kick you. Of that there is no doubt. Mastery Newsletter July 2013
Dedicated to Health, Wealth and Fr~eedom
Opening up to more awareness. Why is it Important?
Life will kick you. Of that there is no doubt.
Why? Because we refuse to pay attention.
Ego (our conscious mind) wants to run the show. Ego wants to make plans and implement them. Set goals and work toward them. (Know how to make God laugh? Tell him your plans. J)
What’s wrong with that? Nothing. Except…Ego has a limited view of life and misses some important stuff.
Whereas “Life” (the Universe, God, the Life Force) is infinite and can see “the big picture.”
Therefore, Life is always nudging us toward our highest good. Ego resists because it thinks it knows better.
More accurately put, Ego persists and insists on having its way.
Life is ever present, though, and never gives up. It initially nudges us to move in harmony with its “Grand Plan” and move us toward our highest good.
When we don’t pay attention to the subtle signals, Life gives a stronger message. If we continue to ignore the signals, eventually Life boots us in the behind.
“Pay attention, kid” Life seems to be saying.
Ignore these stronger signals at your peril. Life WILL have its way.
If Life has to make us sick to get out attention, so be it.
Now, here’s the tricky bit.
We have the ability to mask pain. Trauma can cause pain, be it physical or emotional in nature. We can choose to feel the pain, dive into and release it…or we can tense the muscles around that pain and not have to feel it.
If we choose the second option (an all too popular one with me), that pain will eventually resurface. In time, if we continue to mask pain by the unconscious tensing of muscles, the resurfacing of that pain can become excruciating and erupt into serious dis-ease and perhaps one of the major diseases such as cancer, heart attacks and so on.
Life will have its way. Learning how to work with the energies and the subtle and not so subtle messages life sends us may seem more painful at first. Learning how to listen and act on the nudges Life is giving us to move us toward our highest good can open us up to great joy and fulfillment.
Feel the pain now…or feel much more of it later. Those seem to be the choices. I choose feeling and releasing it now.
Here is one way of plugging into intuition, from my book The Zen of Joy.
Just before falling asleep, ask: “Dear God (Dear Universe, Dear Subconscious Mind … it doesn’t matter what you call it,just ask sincerely, according to your own religious or secular belief structure), I ask for and am willing to receive the answer to this question: (state the question).
Thank for providing the answer for me. And it is done.”
Don’t be surprised (though you may be!) if you receive elegant solutions to some of the stickiest “problems” or situations in your life. It has happened for many others. It can happen for you too.
Enjoy the rest of the read,
In this issue:
Heal sunburn in one night
Making Natural Ginger Ale
Sitting Kills, Moving Heals
Arizona nonagenarian sets weightlifting world record
►FINAL WORD: 15 Character Traits That Cause Diseases
“Well-being is attained little by little, and nevertheless it is no little thing itself.” — Zeno of Citium
Heal sunburn in one night…three simple ingredients!
3-4 inch piece off an aloe vera plant, sliced in half
1 Tbsp coconut oil, in liquid form
1/2 – 1 tsp raw honey
The amounts above will vary depending on how much you need to cover. This amount will cover the area that a tank top does not cover on your chest.
Directions: Rub aloe vera all over the burned area and let dry (30-90 sec), next take coconut oil and rub over burned area (over where the aloe was put). Next take the honey or propolis and rub into any areas that look more red or blistered. Then put an old tee shirt on and go to bed. Most if not all will be absorbed by morning. Take a warm wash cloth and wipe off any sticky spots. For maintenance continue the process the next night. Do this process until the burn is either gone or doing much better.
Making Natural Ginger Ale
Sitting Kills, Moving Heals
Arizona nonagenarian sets weightlifting world record
Love it.
The One Diet in a Nustshell. Georges Philips & Simon Shawcross. “…I am experiencing what REAL health should feel like and quite simply it is from eating REAL food. Funny that! Ultimately, we cannot argue with nature and I am done trying.” Jennifer Hodge
Argo, Hitchcock, Lincoln. Three movies this month. Funny how I am so attracted to historical stuff. They were all good. Not sure how historically accurate Lincoln was as there is controversy over the accepted historical accounts.
Laughter Yoga Founder Dr. Madan Kataria on TEDMED:
256 Year Old Chinese Herbalist Li Ching-Yuen, Holistic Medicine, and 15 Character Traits That Cause Diseases
That’s it for now. Enjoy your month.
The Inner Circle
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