How to Find Your Passionate Work. Mastery Newsletter June 1, 2016
This is the protocol I used to decide on a career. It works like a charm and you won’t need any expensive courses or seminars. This takes care of it all. Ready?
1) Brainstorm….that means no allow no restriction to enter while you do this. Write out everything, but EVERYTHING you like and/or love to do. Do not try to connect it to making money or to anything else. Just write down EVERYTHING you like to do…in any order…just write and don’t stop, keep going until you have written down absolutely everything you like or love to do. Don’t take the pen off the page or your fingers off the keyboard. Just keep writing until it is ALL down.
2) Now (and only now) prioritize them, giving them numbers from 1 to 20 or whatever.
3) Take #1 and brainstorm what you could do to make money from the thing love most to do. List at least 20! Again, this is brainstorming. The definition of brainstorming is that there are no wrong ideas. If it sound silly or impractical or both, it doesn’t matter. Just keep writing and put down everything that comes to mind. Do not allow your inner censor into the game at this point. There will be time for that later. One crazy and nuts idea might lead to another one and another one and it may lead to light bulb idea or a connection of ideas put together that may be JUST the ticket.
4) Take #2 and do the same, and
5) Do the same for #3.
You now have 60 things you can do to make money from stuff you love to do. Brainstorming means TURNING OFF the inner voice that interjects things like…”Oh but you can’t do THAT” BE TOTALLY FREE whilst listing each list of 20.
When I did this decades ago, I couldn’t find anything I really wanted to do from my list of 20 for the thing I like most to do (sex), so I went to #2 (making money) and that, boys and girls, is the true story of how I had a 15 year career as a financial planner…and quite a ride is was too. 🙂
Let me know how it goes. 🙂
Love, Laughter and Smiles.
In this issue also:
Medical errors may be 3rd leading cause of death
Hanford, Not Fukushima, is the Big Radiological Threat to the West Coast
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to continue that counts.”
– Winston Churchill
Medical errors may be 3rd leading cause of death in U.S.
Death certificates do not record deaths resulting from inadequate patient care
FINANCIAL HEALING: Advisor to Financial Advisors, Nick Murray
Hanford, Not Fukushima, is the Big Radiological Threat to the West Coast
Quantum Healing –Deepak Chopra
Trumbo Based on the true story of the McCarthy Committee witch hunt on communism.
In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress. – John Adams
Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
-P.J. O’Rourke, Civil Libertarian
“When we open to our potential, the world changes…dramatically and for the better.”
-Matti Anttila, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher.
Author of: The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.
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* 7 Step Zen of Joy Coaching
Publisher of Mastery Newsletter.
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Publisher of:
108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health, includes How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy (No-cost)
Publisher Matti Anttila © Copyright 2016 Matti Anttila, 304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230.
Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.
Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.
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