Living Comfortably in the Cosmos part 5 Emmanuel’s Book is a manual for doing just that.
Some wisdom from the book:
Joy is the God within you
standing up.
Shaking himself off.
And beginning to smile.
In your joy
you are celebrating God.
You are celebrating the feast of life.
You can create for yourself
a garden of bliss
if you believe in it.
And you can create for yourself
intolerable suffering
if you believe
that it is necessary.
Celebrate your life.
Bring pleasure into it whenever you can.
And see that pleasure as truth
not as some secret sin.
The entire world is an illusion
spinning nicely through space
even though it does wobble a bit.
You accept the illusion
because you’re good students
and you promised to come and to learn.
You promised to remain here in the illusion,
believing the illusion,
until what you have come to accomplish
has been done.
Then you can release it.