Archive for February, 2014

Living Comfortably in the Cosmos part 5 Emmanuel’s Book is a manual for doing just that.

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

Some wisdom from the book:


Joy is the God within you

standing up.

Shaking himself off.

And beginning to smile.



In your joy

you are celebrating God.

You are celebrating the feast of life.



You can create for yourself

a garden of bliss

if you believe in it.

And you can create for yourself

intolerable suffering

if you believe

that it is necessary.



Celebrate your life.

Bring pleasure into it whenever you can.

And see that pleasure as truth

not as some secret sin.



The entire world is an illusion

spinning nicely through space

even though it does wobble a bit.

You accept the illusion

because you’re good students

and you promised to come and to learn.

You promised to remain here in the illusion,

believing the illusion,

until what you have come to accomplish

has been done.

Then you can release it.


Living Comfortably in the Cosmos part 4 Mastery Newsletter Update Feb 20 2014

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

Living Comfortably in the Cosmos part 4


Emmanuel’s Book is a manual for doing just that.


Some wisdom from the book:



Meditation is a path

that will help you release

the treasures of self-love

that rest deep within you.



You experience as you believe.

The very world in which you exist,

the positive and the negative alike,

is a product of what you hold to be true.



Fear is a fungus

that grows rapidly in the dark places

of the consciousness.

It is the most powerful of doors

that closes off the Word

and the Light of God.



is the dragon at the gate.

It is the denial of Light

and denial of Light

is resistance to god.

It is the falsehood that separates you

from God.



You can allay fear

through prayer, through meditation,

through clear thinking.




is only looking in the mirror

and making faces

at oneself.


Living Comfortably in the Cosmos. Part 3 Mastery Newsletter Update

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

Living Comfortably in the Cosmos. Part 3. Emmanuel’s Book is a manual for doing just that.

Some wisdom from the book:


You will not exhaust

the love in the universe

if you were to absorb it

from now until the end of time


Love is all that exists.


Love is the universal communication.

it is the energy that has created the

universe and is keeping it going.

God is love.

All matter is formed by love.

There is an organic love

that speaks to everyone

if they could but hear.

A leaf holds together

for love.




True self love is not ego.

True love is great humility.

Love and compassion for others

cannot exist

until there is a goodly supply for self.

How can you feel the love of god

if you do not love yourself?

Are they not one and the same thing?



Every religion at its roots

has been inspired by God

and then has been seized by the intellect

and limited, distorted and many time

all but destroyed.




Living Comfortably in the Cosmos Part 2. Mastery Newsletter Update Feb 5. 2014

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

Living Comfortably in the Cosmos Part 2

Emmanuel’s Book is a manual for doing just that.  Some wisdom from the book:


The heart is an unerring compass

within each one of you.

The heart knows the soul

better than the mind does.

Unless your mind is in the service

of the heart

it becomes a warped and twisted master.



Surrender can be proclaimed as the most selfish act

because it leads to total fulfillment.



The final lesson for each soul

is the total surrender to the will of God

manifested in your own heart.



One does not have to stand against the gale

One yields and becomes part of the wind.