Archive for November, 2019

Is Your Soul Being Stolen? Dr. Klinghardt and The Perfect Storm. Mastery Newsletter November 26, 2019

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

Dr. Klinghardt* says Rudolph Steiner** forecast that corporations would attempt to steal our souls by the end of the 20th Century.


Dr. Klinghardt says the “perfect storm” for this theft may be the combination of four things: Aluminum, Glyphosate, Fluoride and Wifi.


Our pineal gland is the receptor for higher fields of energy. It is also the modulator for our endocrine system and our immune system and much more.


Dr. Klinghardt says pineal glands have been severely calcified and no longer functions at full capacity.


The reason? The pineal is highly sensitive to four things: Aluminum, Glyphosate, Fluoride and Wifi.


These four things being introduced is either it is a coincidence or a group of humans has come under the influence of some dark energy and are attempting to steal our souls.


Klinghardt speaks here:


*Klinghardt site:


**Rudolph Steiner information:



To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2019 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


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Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.                                                    


Morning Empowerment. Mastery Newsletter November 19, 2019

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

What we do first thing in the morning makes a huge, humongous difference to the rest of the day…


What we do can set the tone for the day…and for our lives.


I got caught, as many have, in checking emails, Facebook, news sites on the web first thing after waking up.


Sometimes a “rabbit hole” sucked me in too…


Recently I was guided to consider making a change.


And wow…what a difference in my day every time…


If you were to choose to give up checking emails, texts, social media, web news, radio news, TV news and all the rest, what would you replace it with?


It can feel a little empty. A craving can arise. After all, social media sites are designed to give you a dopamine hit…


So we would have to create a stronger dopamine hit and perhaps the other “feel-good” hormones as well: serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin.


Here is what I did. Perhaps this will give you some ideas as well.


Thanks to Gene (GF) for this first idea.


Immediately upon waking, I say five times out loud: “I’m awake. I’m alive. I feel great!”


Then roll out of bed…right away. (True confession: still working on getting this one down.)


Then the bathroom. Run the bath for my morning ice bath.


A few minutes of yoga asanas.


Wim Hof iceman breathing.


Then, after the ice has done its work for 5 minutes or more, get in the bath.


Hot shower, then cold again.


Morning meditation for 20 minutes at least.


Now, I have to tell you it has become easier to stay away from social media having done all this…


So I replace it with some writing. I am writing this, for example, right after my meditation.


You can choose to spend half an hour reading. Brian Tracy, the motivational speaker, attributes his success to spending an hour reading first thing in the morning.


Now you can add dopamine to your morning by having a “to do” list ready to go from the previous night.


Get to the most challenging thing, the most difficult thing first.


Checking that off your list gives a huge dopamine hit.


Now, for me, I wait until I feel hunger before I put anything in my mouth. You may be a morning coffee person. This is all individual choice and depends on what kind of diet you are on.


Some will have porridge. Others fruit. Still others may be doing the celery juice.


Note that I am writing before any breakfast.


And choosing to wait until real hunger pangs hit. Often that is quite a bit later in the morning.


I am working toward staying away from emails, social media and web stuff and news until noon.


Since starting this a short time ago, I can tell you…what a difference in energy level and positive outlook on life it has made.


If any of this sounds good, you may choose to conduct an experiment.


Try one thing first. Maybe a short meditation or a few yoga asanas. Push the social media etc. off just a few minutes at first.


Eventually you may feel enough benefit to easily and effortlessly leave all that stuff until noon.


Such a sense of empowerment. When we choose to create a morning that we want. And not be sucked into the many rabbit holes first thing.


Just some thoughts for your consideration.


Thanks for reading.


Let me know how it goes.

More on this topic here:

To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2019 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


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Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.                                                    


We Are Mirrors to Each Other. Mastery Newsletter November 12, 2019

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

What is it that most bothers you about other people?


Is there one person who does something that really bugs you?


Are there a number of people who do things that irritate you in some way?


Take a moment and think about it…


Pause a few moments while you reflect on this…


Now tell me…what was the most bothersome thing that anyone other than you did?


When I thought about it, here is what I found:


One person who I had dinner with didn’t stop talking about their most recent health discovery. The whole dinner it felt as if I couldn’t get a word in edgeways…


Another person spent half an hour explaining a system they had set up that I had zero interest in.


Two other friends disagree with me on a topic and I felt belittled for having an opposite view.


Yet another instance: someone is upset with me for something I didn’t do.


Ok, by now you will likely have at least one thing that someone has done or does that bothers you in some way.




Did it bother you that someone is a murderer?


Tamal Dodge asked this question from a room full of folks.


Then he asked why no one said it bothered them that someone is a murderer?


There were many complaints about what others did, but no one complained that murder took place.


Murder was not the number one thing that bothered anyone in that audience.


It wasn’t for me and I bet it likely was not for you either.


Tamal’s point is that what bothers us in others is what is in us.


What we see in others is a mirror of what is going on in us.


You and I are not murderers so we don’t see that in others.


We only see what they mirror back to us.


To go back to my examples.


I tend to go on and on about my most recent health discovery. So when others do it, I see me reflected in them.


I enjoy tinkering with organizational systems in my life. I love to organize my investment patterns for example. I can get excited and prattle on about it. When someone else does it, it bothers me.


I can be judgemental of others. So when someone is judgemental of me, it triggers me.


But I am not a murderer so it did not occur to me that murder is something to get more upset about than someone bending my ear for an extended period.



What this can do for me is just be aware of what bothers me in others…then look inside and see how I am doing that.


My job? To use the mirror others hold in front of me to fine tune my actions. Actions that may get under someone else’s skin.



To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2019 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


Privacy statement: I take your privacy seriously and do not distribute your information to anyone.


Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.                                                    


Life is Not Hard if You Love Yourself. Mastery Newsletter November 5, 2019

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Blogs, Joy, Energy and Health, Mastery Newsletter

Patch Adams has been a “clown doctor” for half a century.


He found that less than 3% of people have self-esteem.


Less than 5% knew what living a life of vitality is all about.


He found the normal adult did not like themselves, their marriage or their job.


He himself attempted suicide three times before the age of 18. He did not want to live in a world of violence and injustice.


He then realized you don’t have to kill yourself, you can make a revolution. And that’s what he did.


He decided to be happy every second of his life. That expanded to be happy, funny, loving, cooperative, creative and thoughtful.


Being loving was the most challenging. That’s why he took to clowning. It was the trick to get close to loving.  


In 1971 he created a free hospital. Twenty adults, 3 of them doctors lived communally in a 6-bedroom house. 500 to a thousand people in their home a month. 5 to 50 overnight guests.


They accepted no health insurance. Just provided everything free.


No one would fund them because they refused to get malpractice insurance.


They paid their doctors the same as the cleaning staff: $300 a month. All live in the hospital.


For these $3600 a year paid positions they get thousands applying every year.


Loneliness: A Great Travesty of Our Time


Adams says the nuclear family is a failed experiment.


For 80 million years we lived communally.


The nuclear family experiment has created an epidemic of loneliness.


He claims depression is not an illness…it is a symptom of loneliness.


The solution? Live communally.


Life is not hard, says Adams.


“If you are you…If you as a designer make you, make your personhood and then use that personhood as you decide, it’s going to be hard? I’m sorry, if you have food and a friend, what are you bitching about?”


His theme? Once you love yourself, what others say doesn’t matter. You’re looking for ways to spend your love.


My take away from his talk:


Love yourself. Every time you pass a mirror, look at you and say you love your self.


Dive into the ocean of gratitude and don’t look for the shore.


Connect with friends. Stay connected.


Be a clown. It’s the trick to getting close to love.


Help others. It is a key to fulfillment.


Be happy, funny, loving, cooperative, creative and thoughtful.


Here is Patch Adams talk in Holland:



To Your Joy, Energy and Health,



Matti Anttila


Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.


Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy


Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J



Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.


Author of:

The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.






304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada

V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230




© Copyright 2019 Matti Anttila,

304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4


Welcome to our new subscribers. Think of someone you know who is interested in health, wealth and/or freedom. Invite them to subscribe to Mastery Newsletter. Just ask them to go here:


Privacy statement: I take your privacy seriously and do not distribute your information to anyone.


Disclaimer: Please make your own decisions about everything. That includes investment, taxation, health and/or any other area. Seek professional assistance before attempting any of the ideas, tools and/or techniques discussed herein.


Any and all information provided here is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. Individuals are advised not to self-medicate in the presence of significant illness. Always consult with your licensed medical practitioner first before undertaking anything…be it supplements, exercise programs or other protocols. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not construe the information provided here as authoritative health advice…or authoritative advice of any sort. All information provided or referred-to on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be health, medical, financial, accounting or tax advice, nor should it be relied upon as such. Matti Anttila is not a licensed financial planner, doctor or health practitioner. If you’re not inclined to Do-It-Yourself then please, before you Do-It-To-Yourself, obtain professional advice.