“Rights of the Indigenous” Mastery Newsletter January 6, 2025

Written by joyenergyandhealth on . Posted in Mastery Newsletter

The comedian George Carlin said it best:


“There are certain principles I live my life by. The first one is I don’t trust anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero.”


The UN issued the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) in 2007.


Looks like a good document on the face of it. (I just read it.)


Some friends who have looked into the nooks and crannies of this initiative tell me the devil is in the details.


They say the long-term plan is to turn land that they inhabited back to them.


In Canada, that means just about any property one cares to look at.


Then, if the indigenous do not look after those lands well enough, it can all be taken away by the government.


And, it seems, at the discretion of the government.


In recent years some conferences I have been at start their meetings with a declaration similar to this:


“I respectfully acknowledge that where I live, I am a guest on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the ____________ Treaty Group.”


If my friends are correct, this may be the thin edge of the wedge.


First get us to acknowledge that the land was stolen from them.


Then, give it back to them through confiscation of private property owned by non-indigenous folks.


The fine print supposedly says that if they then don’t take proper care, it can be taken from them. (!!!)


Perhaps George Carlin is right. Don’t trust ‘em.


What to do?


I suspect if there is a meeting where this declaration is read out at the start, I must voice my non acceptance of whatever agenda is behind.


Unless I voice my concern, I give my tacit approval to the declaration and the agenda that may be behind it.


The end game might mean taking away property that is mine now and I have paid for.


Your thoughts?




In Joy and Love

Matti Anttila PLD (Professional Laughter Dude)

Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher

Head Honcho at EasyStressRelease.com

Author of The Zen of Joy

“Joy and Love are key to overcoming our inner turmoil as well as the challenges and chaos present in the world.”

Free resource: “108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health.”   Click here:  https://joyenergyandhealth.com

Do your own research. Do not trust mine.



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