Get Plastics Out of Your Body. Mastery Newsletter June 6, 2019
You and I eat an average of 50,000 pieces of plastic a year.
This is from new research, published in the journal “Environmental Science and Technology.”
Lead researcher Keiran Cox from the University of Victoria in Canada says they only analyzed 15% of calorie intake.
That means the real figure is likely much higher.
We’re Not Designed For This
You and I know our bodies are not designed to deal with this mad made substance.
We are told the health impacts are unknown.
We don’t need rocket science to tell us this is not a good thing.
Bottle Water a Big Factor
One aspect of the research showed that those who get their water consumption from bottled water are far worse off.
From the Guardian article:
“A person who only drank bottled water would consume 130,000 particles per year from that source alone, the researchers said, compared with 4,000 from tap water.” (my italics and bolding)
Can We Do Something?
Other than staying away from bottled water and using less plastic containers, what else can we do?
Moving does not seem to be an option. A recent report on atmospheric plastic pollution showed high amounts in the air in the Pyrenees mountains straddling France and Spain.
We can’t escape ingesting plastic. It is in the air, the water and food sources as well.
Can we do something about eliminating it from our bodies.
The answer appears to be: Yes.
From the book MEDICAL MEDIUM by Anthony William comes this formula:
Anti-Plastics Tea
“To rid your body of plastic and plastic by-products, blend equal parts fenugreek, mullein leaf, olive leaf, and lemon balm. Steep one tablespoon of the herb mixture per cup of hot water for tea.”
Sources for this article.
The Guardian newspaper:
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation:
Epoch Times:
Medical Medium book:
To Your Joy, Energy and Health,
Matti Anttila
Mission: To help you take shortcuts to More Joy, Energy, Health and fulfillment in life.
Find out How to Feel Authentic Joy, Even When Unhappy
Includes: 108 Tips for More Joy, Energy and Health delivered once a week to your inbox…until you say stop. J
Motto: To Get the Most Out of Life: Help Others Get the Most Out of Theirs.
Author of:
The Zen of Joy. How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness & Success.
304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada
V8R 0A4. 1-484-727-5230
© Copyright 2019 Matti Anttila,
304 – 1834C Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8R 0A4
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